Flower Growers to Stage Arbor Day Ceremony The Great Falls Flower Growers Club is staging for the public an Arbor Day ceremony in the auditorium of the Cascade County Convalescent Hospital Tuesday at 3 p.m. The Shining Star Bluebirds will open the program with the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the singing of "America the Robert Bundi will read the governor's Arbor Day proclamation. Linda Weintz will present the history and meaning of Ar- and Ruth Lynes singing accompanied by Carol Stelling. Victory Sauke, Simms, will sing "Thank God for a Garden." The program will close with the planting of a Mountain Ash tree. Mrs.
Louis Annau is chairman of arrangements. Heads Auxiliary By Tribune Correspondent -Kay Adams has been installed as president of the bor Day. Ladies Auxiliary of Lower YelThe Trail Blazers of Troop No. lowstone Post No. 4099 of the 43 will present an authentic Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Vice Indian dance and song. Special presidents are Millie Johnson and music will be presented by Betty McMorris. Arlene BrumSimms girls with Connie Cady field is secretary. Stors Hours: Monday through Saturday, 9 to 5:30 the ARIS we've a gift Montana for pleasing Mothers! Cuerlain SHALIMAR SHALIMAR Lave Smy in A very special Mother's Day suggestion $10 plus tax also larger sizes at $18, $30 Toiletries Street Level A 26-GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1901 Auxiliary Conducts Open House Royal A. Caulfield Auxiliary to Post 1087, Veterans of Foreign Wars, held open house at Fort Harrison Sunday.
Home made TO SAY VOWS Announcement is made by Mrs. Mildred Kelly of Great Falls of the engagement of her daughter, Patricia Ann, to Lt. Raymond Thomas Burkley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burkley of Blairsville, Pa.
A third grade teacher at Denver, Miss Kelly was graduated from Great Falls Central Catholic High School in 1955 and from St. Mary College, Xavier, in 1959. Her finance is a 1933 graduate of Blairsville Joint High School and a 1960 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. He is stationed at Langley AFB, Hampton, Va.
The couple is making plans for a June 10 wedding at Hampton. FUTURE BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. William L. Jones of Cascade announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Raymond E.
Short, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Short, 1904 6th Ave. N. Miss Jones, a 1959 graduate of Cascade High School, joined the Navy in the fall of '59 and is a student nurse in San Diego, Calif.
Short was graduated from Great Falls High School in 1959 and is tioned aboard the USS Tingey. No wedding date has been set. Mark Anniversary GLASGOW Mr. and Mrs. Fred Desonia were honored at an open house on their 25th wedding anniversary in Nashua's Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church.
Wedding Announcements Engraved or Embossed Bride's BooksGuest Books Mailing Shop Office Supply 12 3rd St. North cakes and cookies were served by several members including president Lenore Rozick. Commander James Yeagley and Senior Vice Commander Lee Manley of Post 1087 distributed cigarettes to the patients. Entertainment and batan twirling by Bonnie DeMarco and Cheryl Brasen. Three groups from Malmstrom Air Force provided a varied program.
A five-piece dance band called the "Versatiles" played several, numbers. Lynn Turner sang numbers with this group. A quartet called the "Corvairs" also sang. A comedy skit was presented by the "Space Men." The treats and entertainment were enjoyed by about 35 patients. Members of the auxiliary also donated numerous books, magazines and pocket books which will be added to the hospital library.
Black Eagle DAR to Hold Luncheon Black Eagle Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold a no-hostess luncheon Saturday, May 13, at 1 p.m. at the DeMolay Memorial. The event will honor seven high school seniors from Simms, ton, Fort Benton, Fairfield, Conrad, Cascade and Great Falls who won DAR "Good Citizen Girl" awards and pins. Mrs. Jack Wiprud, Mrs.
Edmund Mitchell, Mrs. Earle Jennings and Mrs. Roy Hamilton, Conrad, are in charge of arrangements. TO WED-Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Grayson, Plentywood, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorna Mae, to Dennis Lee Hackmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hackmann, Flaxville.
Miss Grayson is a graduate of Antelope High School and is employed at the treasurer's office in the Sheridan County Court House. Hackmann, graduate of Flaxville High School, is an Army veteran and is employed at the Plentywood Security State Bank. They will wed June 4 at 2 p.m. in the Antelope Lutheran Church. Ever try using a spray-on wax for bathroom tile? Some homemakers say that this method is a big help keeping tile clean and shining.
SET DATE Army Col. (Ret.) Francis Iden Pohl and Mrs. Pohl of Cornwall-onHudson, New York, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Iden, to Cadet Monte Thomas Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Sloan of Superior, Wis.
Miss Pohl is a senior at Marymount College, Tarrytown, N.Y. She spent her junior year studying at the University of London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Sloan attended Northwestern Preparatory School, Minneapolis, and is a member of the class of 1961 at the United States Military Academy. He attended the Russell School and Parish Gibson Junior High School here and is the grandson of Mrs. Inez C.
Meagher and the great-grandson of Mrs. Lillie Chauncey, both of Great Falls. The wedding is planned for June 17 at West Point, N.Y. BRIDE-ELECT Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Carr, Williston, N.D., announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara, to Lt. Hugh R. Hunton, son of Mrs. Harold B. Rex of Falls Church, Va.
Miss Carr, a graduate of Williston High School and Minot State Teachers College, teaches third grade at the Lincoln School here. Hunton is stationed at Malmstrom AFB. He was graduated from Falls Church High School and attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg. A summer wedding is planned. Doris photo.
Catholic Women To Hold Retreat The annual closed retreat of the Great Falls District Council of Catholic Women will be held at Ursuline Academy June 9-11. Chairmen of the retreat are Mrs. Joseph G. Mudd and Mrs. L.
L. Maillet. All reservations should be mailed immediately to Mrs. Maillet, 2717 1st Ave. N..