Meeting Notes Archive (2025)

Table of contents

  • July Wed 07-19-2013
  • 08/03/2011
  • 06 jul 2011
  • 04/06/2011
  • 07/07/2010
  • 05/05/2010
  • 04/07/2010
  • 03/17/10
  • 12/02/2009
  • 10/08/2009
  • 04/01/2009
  • 03/04/2009
  • 02/04/2009
  • 01/07/2009
  • 8/6/2008
  • 4/12/2008
  • 2/6/2008
  • 1/2/2008
  • 12/5/2007
  • 11/7/2007
  • 10/3/2007
  • 9/5/2007
  • 7/25/2007
  • 7/11/2007 MCBF
  • 7/11/2007 PP
  • 7/3/2007
  • 3/7/2007
  • 2/21/2007
  • 2/7/2007

fool (gently at gmail) has a lot of old notes he needs to post – probably a dozen meetings' worth between 8/2010 and 4/2011 plus 5/2011, plus most of missing 2012.

July Wed 07-19-2013


  • Facilitator: ZedBailey

  • Scribe: Chris fool

  • Attending: Meghan, Tall Steve, Eric Porter, Zed, Organic Brian, Dirty Diablo, Phillip, Greg cedarbeard, TJ trike, Chris from builder by bike, Terry, Jeffrey, Michael, fool, Paul Z (late), Lance P (late), Carl (late), Ronda (late)

  1. Welcome & Introductions (round table with favorite PP rides)

  2. Purpose of the meetings

    1. Zed: bike fun & carrying it forward - how to?

      1. asks what rides would you like to see on a weekly or monthly basis?

      2. social network for bikefolk? what needs doesn't this website/wiki/calendar/mailing list serve?

        1. barriers to entry

          1. hard to edit wiki

          2. mailing list isn't rich-media-friendly

          3. shift doesn't have good outreach to pull in more people not already involved (sez TJ)

            1. even willy week / mercury don't have perfect outreach

            2. portland parks & rec, libraries with community calendars, school districts

              1. sunday parkways! volunteer group? Zed/Tall Steve in for Sept

                1. carl asks, how does this benefit shift / drive people to us?

                  1. pamphlet/flier? who will design? (meghan)

                  2. stickers? (TJ)

        2. perhaps shift should join web 2.x? but how?

        3. TJ has list of many facebook alternatives: to connect with Zed.

        4. Lance's app (bike fun finder) is shift for the world - free, drives bike fun inclusion.

          1. wants to integrate with shiftcal - Tall Steve to help?

          2. working on web interface now - 1 month out!

        5. facebook/bikeportland kinda stole the shift community, so what do we do to be inclusive/cross-pollinating? JMaus seems interested in participating.

  3. Pedalpalooza

    1. Recap - The Rad, The Bad & The Ugly

      1. :

    2. How do we carry bikey fun to the 11 other months?

      1. :

  4. Growing Shift , Building Bikey Fun

    1. Reoccuring Bike Events ie. MMR, Breakfast on the Bridges, Zoobomb, etc.

      1. What bike events would you like to see happen weekly/monthly?

        1. tall steve: bike in movies (pleasantly subversive but harmless)

        2. greg: acoustic musicians playing ride (via/in conjunction with: tall tour)

        3. organic brian: musical daytime mystery ride (with bbq)

        4. chris: service events - bike to rebuilding center and help someone in need of house repair/shed built/etc - like bike move but for someone in need - reverse of bike moves where we actually raise a barn!

        5. zed: full moon ride - he's making it happen!

        6. … others didn't get around to talking about this

    2. Make it Happen, Do it Better

      1. Coders?

        1. :

      2. Designers?

        1. :

      3. Community Liasons?

        1. :

      4. Bike Business Owners/Employees?

        1. :

      5. Fun Folks?

        1. :

  5. Website

    1. What Works, What Doesn't?

      1. What Would You Like to Shift 2 on Shift2Bikes?

        1. : Zed: Forum/Discussion Group

        2. : Bike Fun Finder

        3. : Shift Cal

  6. Upcoming Bike Event 2 Min. Shout Outs

  7. contention/discussion

    1. shift needs to be inclusive, did we burn Zed out with naysaying?

  8. Action Items:

    1. * Meghan to contact SP staff to volunteer; group to show up at sept sunday parkways

    2. * Zed/TJ to work on proposal for shift social media adaptation/tech suggestions

    3. * Fool to find out state of shift budget

    4. * Tall Steve & Lance need to connect re: shiftcal ↔ bike fun finder integration

    5. * everyone - analyze shift resources and report back

    6. * fool/Phillip to connect with Jive to ask if they'll give shift free account?

    7. * consider shift stickers

- Next Meeting: Aug Wed 08-21-2013

meeting 4 apr 2012 @ alta planning & design, 711 SE Grand

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • Decide Apr social meetup location

    • pedalpalooza / wnbr report

      • pp needs more rides!

      • wnbr making fundraising progress (update from harmony)

      • wnbr still needs a location

      • website fixeroo with thom - done! should now work.

    • granton comic req

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 1 feb 2012 @ alta planning & design, 711 SE Grand

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • Decide Feb social meetup location

    • debate suitability of alta for future meetings

    • pedalpalooza / wnbr report

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 7 dec 2011, @ house of fool, 6446 NE Cleveland

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from old attendees posted here:

    • Decide Dec social meetup location & Jan business meetup location (fool willing to host biz potluck @ his, 6446 NE Cleveland. but maybe somewhere more central would be better. discuss!)

    • help us rent out the shift bike racks–110' of lockable goodness, $50ish w/pickup, $150ish w/delivery for good causes around town.

  • status report on todo's meetings past:

    • Idea for a media page on the website to direct the press to for articles, photos and info about Shift (especially now that we are garnering international attention)..could be added to the “Who We Are” page.

    • update on 'where is shift stuff' wiki page

    • meghan to research shift facebook page & start outreach via facebook (facebook page control regained, what about outreach?)

    • meghan to research shift voicemail destination and contents

    • steve / fool / shawn / timo to participate in creation of ride leadership/doc/comic. - art has been commissioned from Shawn!

    • fool to follow up on ride-leadership clickthru/sendout when rides are scheduled on cal, w/steve

  • brainstorm for more shifty events (off season and otherwise) like tune-up social, pub crawls, etc.

  • Old biz:

    • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts (incl bike rack proceeds discussion)

    • gettin' food & drink on

last formal meeting was 7 sep 2011, @ house of browse, 2222 NE Clackamas - needs to be moved to meeting notes page :/ notetaker/facilitator: browse/fool

agenda items:

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from old attendees posted here:

    • Decide September social meetup location & Oct business meetup location (fool willing to host biz potluck @ his, 6446 NE Cleveland. but maybe somewhere more central would be better. discuss!)

    • helpus rent out the shift bike racks–110' of lockable goodness, $50ish w/pickup, $150ish w/delivery for good causes around town.

    • Discuss calendar for Pedalpalooza 2012. Is the fairer weather of July sufficiently compelling to move dates?

    • status report on todo's from 2 meetings ago:

      • Idea for a media page on the website to direct the press to for articles, photos and info about Shift (especially now that we are garnering international attention)..could be added to the “Who We Are” page.

      • update on 'where is shift stuff' wiki page

      • meghan to research shift facebook page & start outreach via facebook (facebook page control regained, what about outreach?)

      • meghan to research shift voicemail destination and contents

      • steve / fool / shawn / timo to participate in creation of ride leadership/doc/comic. perhaps commission art from shawn? - no progress to report (fool). please leave on next month's agenda!

      • fool to follow up on ride-leadership clickthru/sendout when rides are scheduled on cal, w/steve - no progress to report (fool). please leave on next month's agenda!

    • tabling at the eco-fair (fool)

    • shiftPTtobikes - can they use our name? (fool to facilitate discussion)

    • can rhienna's halloween ride use the shift logo?

  • BikeSummer: reviving the website and tradition of a bike-fest in a new city each year

  • Old biz:

    • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts (incl bike rack proceeds discussion)

    • gettin' food & drink on

meeting 7 Nov at ??

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • confirm PP dates and report to portland events calendar fellow (via fool)

    • Decide Nov social meetup location

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 4 apr 2012 @ alta planning & design, 711 SE Grand

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • Decide Apr social meetup location

    • pedalpalooza / wnbr report

      • pp needs more rides!

      • wnbr making fundraising progress (update from harmony)

      • wnbr still needs a location

      • website fixeroo with thom - done! should now work.

    • granton comic req

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 1 feb 2012 @ alta planning & design, 711 SE Grand

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • Decide Feb social meetup location

    • debate suitability of alta for future meetings

    • pedalpalooza / wnbr report

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 7 dec 2011, @ house of fool, 6446 NE Cleveland

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from old attendees posted here:

    • Decide Dec social meetup location & Jan business meetup location (fool willing to host biz potluck @ his, 6446 NE Cleveland. but maybe somewhere more central would be better. discuss!)

    • help us rent out the shift bike racks–110' of lockable goodness, $50ish w/pickup, $150ish w/delivery for good causes around town.

  • status report on todo's meetings past:

    • Idea for a media page on the website to direct the press to for articles, photos and info about Shift (especially now that we are garnering international attention)..could be added to the “Who We Are” page.

    • update on 'where is shift stuff' wiki page

    • meghan to research shift facebook page & start outreach via facebook (facebook page control regained, what about outreach?)

    • meghan to research shift voicemail destination and contents

    • steve / fool / shawn / timo to participate in creation of ride leadership/doc/comic. - art has been commissioned from Shawn!

    • fool to follow up on ride-leadership clickthru/sendout when rides are scheduled on cal, w/steve

  • brainstorm for more shifty events (off season and otherwise) like tune-up social, pub crawls, etc.

  • Old biz:

    • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts (incl bike rack proceeds discussion)

    • gettin' food & drink on

last formal meeting was 7 sep 2011, @ house of browse, 2222 NE Clackamas - needs to be moved to meeting notes page :/ notetaker/facilitator: browse/fool

agenda items:

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from old attendees posted here:

    • Decide September social meetup location & Oct business meetup location (fool willing to host biz potluck @ his, 6446 NE Cleveland. but maybe somewhere more central would be better. discuss!)

    • help us rent out the shift bike racks–110' of lockable goodness, $50ish w/pickup, $150ish w/delivery for good causes around town.

    • Discuss calendar for Pedalpalooza 2012. Is the fairer weather of July sufficiently compelling to move dates?

    • status report on todo's from 2 meetings ago:

      • Idea for a media page on the website to direct the press to for articles, photos and info about Shift (especially now that we are garnering international attention)..could be added to the “Who We Are” page.

      • update on 'where is shift stuff' wiki page

      • meghan to research shift facebook page & start outreach via facebook (facebook page control regained, what about outreach?)

      • meghan to research shift voicemail destination and contents

      • steve / fool /shawn / timo to participate in creation of ride leadership/doc/comic. perhaps commission art from shawn? - no progress to report (fool). please leave on next month's agenda!

      • fool to follow up on ride-leadership clickthru/sendout when rides are scheduled on cal, w/steve - no progress to report (fool). please leave on next month's agenda!

    • tabling at the eco-fair (fool)

    • shiftPTtobikes - can they use our name? (fool to facilitate discussion)

    • can rhienna's halloween ride use the shift logo?

  • BikeSummer: reviving the website and tradition of a bike-fest in a new city each year

  • Old biz:

    • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts (incl bike rack proceeds discussion)

    • gettin' food & drink on

meeting 7 Nov at ??

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • confirm PP dates and report to portland events calendar fellow (via fool)

    • Decide Nov social meetup location

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 4 apr 2012 @ alta planning & design, 711 SE Grand

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • Decide Apr social meetup location

    • pedalpalooza / wnbr report

      • pp needs more rides!

      • wnbr making fundraising progress (update from harmony)

      • wnbr still needs a location

      • website fixeroo with thom - done! should now work.

    • granton comic req

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 1 feb 2012 @ alta planning & design, 711 SE Grand

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from any old attendees

    • Decide Feb social meetup location

    • debate suitability of alta for future meetings

    • pedalpalooza / wnbr report

  • Old biz

    • eat, drink, be merry

meeting 7 dec 2011, @ house of fool, 6446 NE Cleveland

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from old attendees posted here:

    • Decide Dec social meetup location & Jan business meetup location (fool willing to host biz potluck @ his, 6446 NE Cleveland. but maybe somewhere more central would be better. discuss!)

    • help us rent out the shift bike racks–110' of lockable goodness, $50ish w/pickup, $150ish w/delivery for good causes around town.

  • status report on todo's meetings past:

    • Idea for a media pageon the website to direct the press to for articles, photos and info about Shift (especially now that we are garnering international attention)..could be added to the “Who We Are” page.

    • update on 'where is shift stuff' wiki page

    • meghan to research shift facebook page & start outreach via facebook (facebook page control regained, what about outreach?)

    • meghan to research shift voicemail destination and contents

    • steve / fool / shawn / timo to participate in creation of ride leadership/doc/comic. - art has been commissioned from Shawn!

    • fool to follow up on ride-leadership clickthru/sendout when rides are scheduled on cal, w/steve

  • brainstorm for more shifty events (off season and otherwise) like tune-up social, pub crawls, etc.

  • Old biz:

    • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts (incl bike rack proceeds discussion)

    • gettin' food & drink on

last formal meeting was 7 sep 2011, @ house of browse, 2222 NE Clackamas - needs to be moved to meeting notes page :/ notetaker/facilitator: browse/fool

agenda items:

  • New biz from any new attendees

  • New biz from old attendees posted here:

    • Decide September social meetup location & Oct business meetup location (fool willing to host biz potluck @ his, 6446 NE Cleveland. but maybe somewhere more central would be better. discuss!)

    • helpus rent out the shift bike racks–110' of lockable goodness, $50ish w/pickup, $150ish w/delivery for good causes around town.

    • Discuss calendar for Pedalpalooza 2012. Is the fairer weather of July sufficiently compelling to move dates?

    • status report on todo's from 2 meetings ago:

      • Idea for a media page on the website to direct the press to for articles, photos and info about Shift (especially now that we are garnering international attention)..could be added to the “Who We Are” page.

      • update on 'where is shift stuff' wiki page

      • meghan to research shift facebook page & start outreach via facebook (facebook page control regained, what about outreach?)

      • meghan to research shift voicemail destination and contents

      • steve / fool / shawn / timo to participate in creation of ride leadership/doc/comic. perhaps commission art from shawn? - no progress to report (fool). please leave on next month's agenda!

      • fool to follow up on ride-leadership clickthru/sendout when rides are scheduled on cal, w/steve - no progress to report (fool). please leave on next month's agenda!

    • tabling at the eco-fair (fool)

    • shiftPTtobikes - can they use our name? (fool to facilitate discussion)

    • can rhienna's halloween ride use the shift logo?

  • BikeSummer: reviving the website and tradition of a bike-fest in a new city each year

  • Old biz:

    • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts (incl bike rack proceeds discussion)

    • gettin' food & drink on


Location: 2910 NE Jarrett St. (house of Organic Brian)

Attending: Tall Steve, Browse, Steve Upchurch, Organic Brian

Most of the agenda items from the Shift wiki were for people not in attendance.

Here is what we were able to cover:

  • Bike Racks: add info to Shift homepage about bike rack rental (Brian to ping Tom).

  • Shift Meetup: we decided on Fifth Quadrant, 8/17 (Brian to add this to online Cal. and make list announcement).

  • $45 reimburse to The Fool: Yes

  • Contact PP ride hosts to encourage year-round ride: Browse contacted some PP hosts, Brian to check w/ Chris & others to get complete list and try to continue the effort (I'll contact 10 people, was too busy when this was last being discussed).

  • We talked about the finished agenda items from prev. mtg.

  • Tall Steve said WNBR count turned out to be about 4,000.

  • WNBR posters: follow up about getting something put on Shift homepage about selling the remaining posters, approx. 800 posters left! (Brian to do this)

BikeSummer.orgThis is a new item we discussed, a project developing for Shift.

Next biz meeting

  • This was tentatively scheduled for 9/7 at Organic Brian's, but Browse suggested his house (Sullivan's Gulch area) could host it (pending housemate approval).

  • Update: Browse says meeting is on for his house, 9/7 7:00pm 2222 NE Clackamas St. 503-309-7687 (Brian to add to online cal).

06 jul 2011

attending: kyr westwind, fool, browse, lily, greg, tall steve, lys burden, ron richings, daniel johnson, brian sysfail, steph routh, meghan, robert from magpiemessengers, johnathan from alternative motors, organic brian

notetaker & facilitator: fool

meeting started off with introductions, which are summarized below in one line:

  • ron is from vancouver, BC and heavily involved with velopalooza; later deemed official ambassador to PDX from our sister bikecity

  • lys burden wants to organize port townsend pedalpalooza, is here to learn from us & make connections

  • daniel is tardy as usual & wants to continue participating in shift more than he has in the past year

  • browse is a newbie from gresham just moved to central portland who wants to participate more (& friend of fool's!)

  • sysfail rides bikes & stuff - responsible for tall tour (bike based rocker & rock band enabler, active member of dropout BC)

  • meghan organizes bike events, made bikepdx zine with elly

  • steph is our outgoing umbrella liaison & wpc executive director

  • johnathan looking for group to ride to SF? enjoyed humanities ride about history of portland during PP and interested in social aspects of shiftiness.

  • kyrstin is at first shift meeting but involved with shift for awhile. bike blender goddess!

  • tall steve wrote shift calendar & is involved in rest of website plus other shift beneficience (dome for WNBR, etc)

  • fool/chris likes bike fun, is shift treasurer, wnbr core volunteer and encourager

  • robert from magpie here to talk about mcbf

  • lily / anomalily is organizer of bike fun, wnbr

  • greg - musician and tai chi master @ his first shift biz meeting. during pedalpalooza led the monthly tai chi ride

  • brian - back end tech stuff & rocky butte ride @ PP, longtime shiftie.

New biz from any new attendees

  • ron talks about velopalooza, fool asks about their fundraising techniques

    • says by donation bike washes are a great fundraiser for velopalooza - $600-ish per day!!!

    • fool points out that burgerville previously offered partnership, and are conveniently located at bike-route intersection at 12th/hawthorne! also previously willing to give % of sales during one evening…we should totally hit that!

      • halley had organized last offer since she is former employee–fool will contact her

  • lys wants to sponsor pedalpalooza-like event in port townsend, WA

    • has a group of folks trying to do this (local 2020)

    • recommended to connect with umbrella-talk to steph or umbrella via their web page

    • steve and lys and ron r. to connect to figure out calendar share

  • kyr talks about efforts to get new bike blender after the last one was broken around mcbftime, then stolen.

    • vote is unanimous that she can promote the blender as a shift project as she fundraises for a new one - shift (plus larger community) will benefit

    • fool to invite more people to facebook group

    • direct your friends to fundraising opportunities

    • shift to donate to the project?

      • bike blender to cost around $600-900 from tom's cargo bikes (with his sponsorship)

      • there is legend that $100-300 was raised in the olden days, in donations at some events from old bike blender bike (now @ bikeasaurus), so might be worth putting some money into.

      • fool suggests letting kyrstin start a kickstarter and put shift's name on it and continue discussion offline

      • once some momentum is achieved shift should revisit donating

New biz from old attendees

  • fool to create wiki: where is shift stuff? and solicit input from community (MCBF arch, bike blender, etc)

  • formalize ambassadorial relationship between vancouver bc & pdx from steph / ron

    • vote is unanimous that ron “official” ambassador, let's work on being sister bike cities in the future and deserved ambassadorial spoke card

  • carfree cities conference from lily

    • vote at next meeting whether shift will renew its membership in the coalition, once we have a $ amount.

    • lily wants to be shift rep at this conf - no nays so shift sez yes!

  • non-email outreach project from meghan

    • there's a shift facebook page?

      • meghan to research & wants to start outreach via facebook

        • elly already stepped forward as of this writing and knighted fool and meghan as admins–we can use the ~245 “like”-ers to outreach to.

      • meghan to research voicemail destination and contents

  • Decide:

    • July social meetup location: suggestion from Tasha Danner - hawthorne hophouse 4111 se hawthorne - accepted

      • fool to change calendar event

    • Aug business meetup location (brian scrivner's house suggested by him) - NE 29th & jarrett-ish

      • potluck type thing, fool to change calendar event

  • pedalpalooza postmortem

    • more rider/ride leader education needed – team diplomacy fail during PP

      • ride leader “comic” / pdf maybe by shawn granton posted, plus sent to every poster on the shift calendar

        • steve / fool / shawn / timo to participate in creation. perhaps commission from shawn?

    • consensus: lots of good rides–wish there were more time to enjoy em!

    • good job to steve on the mobile calendar (lily, fool +1's)

    • weird rides seemed to get reasonable participation

      • outreach to people with small rides to improve attendance (michelle week, lance poehler)?

        • some small ride leaders seem ok with that

    • quality over quantity proposal via organic brian

      • needs community outreach to combine some similar rides & encourage better ride planning by noobs or even veterans.

      • steve has technology suggestion to address new ride leaders! (first ride led by this email address gets extra contact from a person?)

        • fool to follow up on this w/steve

      • ron suggests earlier deadline date maybe?

      • brian suggests ride leaders for big rides contact competing rides (suggestion could go into “leader doc” that people get upon scheduling ride).

  • this is a separate thing–we need to encourage more bike fun - making pedalpalooza last all summer THIS SUMMER: let's get the rides out there!

    • fool, lily, brian, browse, greg willing to solicit 10ea ride leaders from good rides during PP for more bike fun now!

      • fool to send out reminder email

    • more monthly rides like (old) bike pub crawl “sponsored” by shift

  • WNBR report

    • successful ride

    • fewer riders (suspect due to weather earlier in the day)

    • better camera counter

      • fool and daniel to make a count soon

    • starting fundraising and planning for next year, raise hands if interested

      • browse, organic, daniel, steve, meghan

      • steph says unitus lily says for PP not wnbr

      • fool to create wnbr_2012 google group, subscribe people, get ball rolling

    • route was awesome / walk for only 3, non-skeevy blocks. also, eastside is best side, sez lily

    • police interaction a-ok.

    • todo next year

      • should have fundraisers at gates

      • don't drink before ride message should be broadcast louder, suggests tall steve

      • daniel suggests maybe less all-at-once downhill (eg hawthorne, burnside) - it's where all the big injuries seem to happen.

      • need new & better start location

      • need better web presence on the shift webpages

    • rwest/bridgeport report from steph:

      • good PR for 4 days of contractual relationship

      • no commitment to having to do it with them/the same again next year

        • did give us $1100+ and kept us from being negative-balanced at the end of it all!

  • MCBF report

    • permitting probably not happening even next year

    • awesome event from fool's PoV

    • wishes for more event-by-bike including potty-moving, vendor delivery, etc.

      • organic brian mentions - lightbar tent moved by bike across town & mykle recruited people to do it & it worked

      • could use more movers to do this by bike.

      • will need more recruits for setup and teardown

    • meghan as vol coord sez:

      • don't be cocky about not having a permit, keep it on the DL

      • more people could volunteer, esp core team

    • robert reports humanure toilet success!

      • fool to help next year – need a lot more capacity!

    • next year?

      • should put a link on the shift pages for mcbf if we want it to truly be a capstone

  • vote to reimburse the following costs:

    • kickstarter $100 preimbursed by fool.

  • pedalpalooza dates/extension for next year / bikesummer 2012 discussion

    • fool & others want a longer, less dense PP - less missed rides due to conflicting times

    • emily's suggestion of a subtitle for next year's PP “return of bikesummer” preserves pedalpalooza branding

    • suggestion: more messaging about making bike fun happen all summer regardless of pedalpalooza dates - before and during PP

      • “hey you there's a whole summer, plan it later”

      • need better publicity to PP attendees & non-shifties about rides that happen outside of pp

        • perhaps recruit ride leaders to tell people about shift cal (via click thru message during PP ride schedule via calendar plus at rides)

      • how we can make bike summer / shift promotion happen and not make pp a month long?

        • robert suggests contacating scheduled ride leaders to do their or additional rides other times

        • seed calendar with “if you liked this, you might like X ride outside of pp”

    • needs more discussion at next meeting

  • Rules for what's allowed on the calendar

    • Are commercial events allowed (e.g., realty tours)

    • Should commercial events be charged a fee?

    • Should commercial events be excluded from the printed PP calendar?

    • Are rules during PP different from rules for the year-round calendar?

    • Should non-bikey events be excluded? (e.g., pedestrian events, fitness events, 80's dance night at a bar)

    • If we add rules, how will we enforce those rules?

      • make calendar say it explicitly?

      • velopalooza reached out to randos and bike clubs who charge for their rides to put rides on calendar

        • fool thinks it would be great to get wheelmen etc on board like this

      • brian says: events should be totally free or if money is required it is to fund the actual ride, not for profit, must be organized specifically for cyclists.

      • at this point conversation basically devolved but consensus seemed to be: status quo is ok, we trust brian to patrol, and some somewhat commercial rides are ok sometimes, at our discretion.

      • some ideas for fun, funky rides came up:

        • bike tour of car dealerships - brian to lead =)>

      • fool to lead a ride thru walmart =)

      • lily to lead a ride to tour dead car dealerships and gas stations

  • fool to email to steve re posters

  • fool post to pedalpalooza re: posters

  • Idea for a media page on the website to direct the press to for articles, photos and info about Shift (especially now that we are garnering international attention)..could be added to the “Who We Are” page.

    • tabled til next month

Old biz:

  • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts

    • WNBR (aka PPKP) account is close to breaking even.

    • Shift has a reasonable sum between umbrella's bank and petty cash (several thousand).

  • we ate and drank


(there's more but i can't find the notes right now –fool)meeting: 6 Apr 2011 @ Cha Cha Cha, 2635 NE Broadway

note taker: fool

agenda items were:

  • Decide April social meetup location (passed off to jimmy who held it at mash tun)

  • try to find a leader for the PP kickoff (pa-)ride - fool and esther!

  • MCBF

    • The currently-listed event is just a placeholder, and should not be construed as implying that anything is being done about it.

    • Who is organizing it this year? Anybody?

    • Move it back to Saturday to avoid clash with Sunday Parkways? (think so)

  • Do we have a liason with Portland Mercury? (Carl?) Are they onboard again this year?

  • Is anything else slipping through the cracks?

Old biz:

  • Report on wnbr fundraising efforts/status - mediocre. more news in may!

  • Update on Shift bike racks - being built; adam has been paid and built a workable prototype!

  • financial status on shift/PP kickoff accounts - in the black.

  • Poster/calendar design protocol: what results?


location: suzette

notetaker: fool

attendees: fool, amos, bonnie, drew; added before 6:30 - aaron t, emilia woodside, alex reese, kirsten thom; daniel at 6:45

WNBR suggestions:

  • Daniel can we get portapotties or businesses to provide potties on the route? or maybe encourage people to use it before/after ride? or at least mention to new riders on faq page and/or handout at gate. might help cut back on riders using the city as their urinal.

  • can we do two shorter loops? some folks just don't want to ride that far. practicality says probably not (Daniel points out we filled 2/3 of the route for the whole time this year) but maybe a cutoff for shorter route if we make the main route longer? TBD w/ planning group

  • need to solicit thankyou notes from shift for PPB+others - make at meetup! - fool to announce and solicit materials

WNBR funds & fundraising

  • spending shift money on PPKP - $400 is voted for stickers. can come back for other funding needs.

  • fundraising for next year needs to be addressed monthly, needs a leader who can start now (maybe steph?).

    • start with steph

      • maybe she'll work on commission?

    • mostly looking for $$ vs in kind, unless it was: mechanics, location, bike parking, portapotties, band, etc.

    • use kickstarter or other means to pre-solicit donations directly from the riders?

    • get notes from afterparties on how much they made, to increase sensibility of afterparties next year + make marketing easier.

    • set a goal ($5000?) and work towards it so we have some sense of progress.

pedalpalooza post-mortem

  • calendar kudos out the wazoo - thanks tall steve!

  • so many amazing rides w/amazing turnout

  • aaron wants to connect with the oregon tourism board or similar org to get the word out to promote (worldwide) tourism to portland for pedalpalooza

    • someone should contact business owners to get notes about increased $ from pp (pizza/tacos/socks/etc) - fool to solicit ride leaders on shift

  • pedalpalooza - should be longer! - 3 weeks? could get one weekend apiece for parkways, WNBR, and MCBF that way!

  • encourage shifties + others to make their own favorite rides regular (you, too, can lead a taco ride!), outside of pedalpalooza - just choose one and do it.

  • MCBF vs sunday parkways = not on same days again.

  • MCBF - praise for location, vast agreement that it should stay at end of PP

  • MCBF - heather to be reimbursed $10 for berries out of shift $ if MCBF won't/can't pay


  • MVP's from WNBR: halley and stephen - shift to pay dutch for an hour apiece for those two? ( $100 ).

  • fool pinged tall steve for his last meetup location idea for next meetup to post to shiftadmin


notetaker: foolpresent: carl/fool/dutch/meghan for the first hour then in order of arrival: steve marissa from momentum, ted, aaron, steve, esther, brian, karl, evan, soupchurch, timo, robert

mostly talk about:WNBR - soliciting preparties, volunteers, afterpartyMCBF - need volunteers - carl

WNBR - needs

volunteers25 bag check - chris(4 paid security)30 marshalls - dutch10 medics - dutch10 mechanics - dutchbike shop real mechanic tent 10 security - steph10 cleanup - steph10 setup - stephstufftent - from steve?generatorPAlightsfenching== all that from event rental companyprojector - phil?screen - wall of steve's dome?computer to project - freegeek/borrowedsashesXXL tshirtsnotify food carts - fool and othersvisoportapottiesrecycling/garbage?

meghan to enquire the projector from phil

aaron and ted to outreach to other WNBRs to encourage out of towners

aaron to visit bins for XXL tshirt collection for mechanics/medics

daytime naked bike move to bring stuff into space?

maus - accept his offer to organize shift/BP meetup - after PP? - punt since we didn't decide

carl to send marissa volunteer call out for momentum (

carl MCBF report:

  1. MMR-style, unpermitted secret location

  2. less infrastructure

  3. volunteers needed

    1. sound system

    2. clean up

    3. patrol

    4. mc

    5. entertain ppl

    6. run events

    7. vendor liaison

failed to pick different location for next biz meeting

poster hanging needed - aaron to organize ride

also need some other volunteers probably, call to shift

fool to make sure bonbs get posted to calendar ASAP

fool to make sure shift meetup gets off the calendar for may/june


  • Attendees: Evan Ross facilitates. Chris/fool documents. bonnie, tonya, jonathan maus, carl larson, steph r, amos, theo

  • Location: rocco's bar (since we lost our IPRC meeting room randomly).

treasury report: no change from last month. umbrella money needs direction - that will be debated tonight

social meetup next: migration on glisan/28th!

social meetup nextnext: Jonathan offers to officiate/publicize for one in may (not 3rd weds-RoS conflict) to recruit shift 3.0, and suggests Left bank & will follow up once he checks with them.

wnbr status report: ride is june 19th

  • Carl reports:

    • Matt/Carl to meet with police on thursday 8 apr to work out ride plans - will report back

    • starting location looking like city of portland lots under by vera katz (smaller fee)

    • no parade permit will need to be *bought* (may need to be acquired), says saltzman

    • date overlap with pride, Carl is trying to coordinate so it'll be listed on the pride calendar too!

    • starting at 10pm

    • mercury update:

      • since there are no shift-hosted parties, we need afterparties. Mercury will host one AND help us find other venues

      • maybe sell space on something (collateral, flyer, bag) to advertise party

    • will need help with:

      • breaking up ending party to move people on to afterparties

      • call for afterparty locations - submit now! Mercury can introduce us to owners/mgrs

      • policing general stupidity

      • cleanup effort

      • portapotties? - no decision

      • will someone sponsor the bag check? - fool to look for cheap bags

        • bag check will be easy if route loops (which seems likely)

        • evan offers his bus as a secure location to deposit things

  • artist selected & advised that we'll need something soon for bikeportland/pp online cal

  • carl to talk to stumptown about printing this year, advised artist deadline mid may but sooner pleaseplease

  • steph report on inclusion of non-mainstream ethnic bikers

    • focus is currently on minorities in north portland (black churches, etc)

    • still talking with IRCO to try to be inclusive

    • CCC's barriers-to-cycling report might be informative, to be released shortly

    • possible other-language calendar/spokecard/etc printouts (shift can pay directly, doesn't need PP money)

  • ppkp money from last year

    • how to reallocate via umbrella?

    • things we (might) need money for this round:

      • PPKParade (tshirts, band, spoke cards, parade permit (no parade permit after all, decided later)

      • WNBR infrastructure

  • fool to put out call for PP rides on shiftlist after asking on shiftbiz

New biz

  • Amos to check with bike temple to see if theyre interested in contacting jeff bernard to takeover helmet program during PP

  • bonMb was a good idea, but few attendees. how to publicize commuters to use it? fool to put out call to bonb list to make sure people keep showing up.

    • Evan says, BBL might help staff it!

  • fool to mail maus about how we can help/be helped (during pp?) and report back


  • Location: Florida Room, 435 N. Killingsworth

  • Facilitator: Evan Ross

  • Notetaker: Esther Harlow

  • Attending: April Wiza, Chris McCraw, Esther Harlow, Timo Forsberg, Carl Larson, Ryan Good, Shannon, Starmichael, Starmichael's friend, Lily Karabaic, Theo Roffe, Evan Ross, Rick

Next meeting: we need a regular location, for next meeting. IPRC! Lily has us signed up. Let's return it there. Meeting Room, computers, central, downtown.

Treasurer report: Chris says kickoff party fund has around $4k; shift has $2500. Party $ cant be used for WNBR without negotiation with Umbrella.

WNBR: Carl has met with PPB- Dan Saltzman's office (police commish) supports but doesn't want it to conflict with Rose Parade. So June 19th-meaning wd be middle weekend, not kickoff weekend, of PP. 6/10 is parade, 6/26 is MCBF, segueing into Parkways as last event. (!)Stephen Upchurch has taken on WNBR with no other dovetailed events, including party being nonessential- most work goes into that. They are looking into gathering spot, locations. Carl meeting with Merc, who's potentially hosting an afterparty, as well as other decentralized parties expected to crop up. Still need volunteers- cleanup, crowd wrangling. Lily can get ridealong EMTs who work on other events.


Sponsorship of PP2010: Carl meeting with Merc to talk about bike issue, calendar, sponsorship. Merc doing printout etc. Carl meeting with PBOT.Costs that want sponsorship: idea to offer a bag for clothes for wnbr? Could advertise afterparties. Fencing? Security?? For WNBR. Security is nice per Lily. Chris says Steph Routh is working w an immigrant group, could have translators and invite new immigrant communities on WNBR as empowerment. He will check with Steph.

Carl wonders if theres other promotion possibilities. Billboards, etc.

Poster artist: Tomas? Eric? Paul Z? Ask Justa to find someone? What about Carye Bye and Debbie West? Timeline: April 30 is deadline for image! We need artist by end of March. Carl talking to Justa!

Mercury: Carl has that covered.

MCBF: MCBF will be a more low-key unofficial event this year. Organizers feel its current trajectory will only lead to selling-out, lameness, etc. Those with ideas for the event and an interest in making it happen should contact Carl. Lily suggests someone can get hitched because permits are easier, if you want to do that Theo will help but timelines are still tight.Evan offers to wear wear a wedding dress all day long.No one is taking legal responsibility; event can get shut down at the last minute. There are still Umbrella MCBF funds. If someone wants to do this permitted, is possible.

Kickoff event on thursday: parade? Party? Evan wants to do “ride, not parade”

Ryan brings up formalized couch surfing exchange? Carl suggests also bikesharing. Ryan will email lily about couchsurfing..Evan's business will do discount.

This pedalpalooza is big opportunity for new energy to come in and create new traditions!

Agenda for next meeting, at IPRC usual Biz time: Art for PP - updateWNBR - updateKickoff - updateSteph/immigrants at WNBR?


  • WNBR status report

    • still need a leader, maybe? meghan has a lead in juliet(te?) from oregon manifest? we need to contact her and see what her terms & conditions are.

      • should schedule a meeting with her - fool will try to organize a meeting between matt/meghan/mike oleary and her.

    • also still need to debrief lastyear folks to do knowledge transfer–esp people like lily who won't be around to help this year.

    • location - are there megabars around that could just handle a fuckton of people?

    • amos recommends that we start delegating jobs now so they can be done thoroughly–good start w/me on beer and steph on sponsorship.

    • steve recommends that we think about outdoor venues that we can just slap a fence around–no need to serve beer/have band, really. fool recommends covered/heatable area.

    • we have to talk to police soon to find out about how much their participation similar to last year will cost us, if anything. delegated to carl/matt.

  • social meetup location - prost on mississippi

  • peter & peter from PSU student bike group jammed about a PSU version of breakfast for bikers.


Attending: Amos Hunter, Steve Kirkendall, Timo Forsberg, Esther Harlow, Chris McCraw, Daniel Johnson, Meghan Sinnott, Stephanie Routh, Ed Groth

Facilitation: Chris

Note Takers: Amos

Old Biz

  • Next meetup location (10/21) decided: Suzette crepe place, 2921 NE Alberta. Meghan will arrange details with the owner so she is ready for us.

  • Treasury Report: Money is okay. Looking good for Pedalpalooza next year.

New Biz

  • Catholic Charities aftermath: They made a mistake. Stephanie got them to pull back, everyone was civil but don't look for collaboration between our two groups anytime soon.

  • Domain Names: Ownership of, and presumably is set to expire soon. Mike (who currently holds ownership) would like to be released of the responsibility, so full control will be transfered to Ayleen Crotty, who is also listed as an owner. Steve will facilitate the transfer, deadline to have everything renewed and exchanged is next shift biz meeting (11/4).

  • norobots.xml: code was put in to prevent email address harvesting, but also prevents being found by search engines. Steve will begin dialog with site programmers to find out a better alternative.

  • Pedalpalooza kickoff party: \\Due to it's close association to WNBR, some WNBR matters were discussed. Timo says PBOT will soon be changing how it handles special events, like WNBR. Used to be a pretty lax policy, but this year higher fees and 6 month advance planning and notice may be needed. While some ideas about re-locating the ride away from downtown and sponsorships to pay fees were brought up, it was decided that the group organizing the ride should start with the basics before looking into details like permitting and fees.

Date determined for next year’s PP and PP Kickoff party. Pedalpalooza will run June 10th-26th, the kickoff party will occur June 12th

  • Stephanie will be sponsorship czar for '10 PP Kickoff Party because she did such a wonderful job last year. Group discussed ideas for sponsors, Stephanie recorded the ideas and sent out to shiftadmin list.

  • Meghan would like to make fanny packs or stickers for next years PP.

Meeting adjourned.


Attending: Sara Mirk (Mercury), Esther, Shawn Granton, Chris McCraw, Matt Picio, Lillian Karabaic, Meghan Sinnott, Steve Kirkendall, Michael O'Leary, Emily Wilson, Tom Wilburn, Amos Hunter, Timo Forsberg, Carl Larson, Ted, Brian Scrivner, Daniel Johnson, one female latecomer (name unknown)

Facilitation: Lily

Note Takers: Matt & Tom

Treasurer Report by Emily (was told in the past not to post figures).

In response to Carl - Emily is still investigating that. What happenedlast year is the city gave a donation of $2,000 for the calendars. Merccharged us for printing and stuffing, was supposed to pay Shift $2,000,but Steph and Emily are still investigating what exactly happened lastyear in that regard.

Printing last year was done by Mercury’s printers, not Community Newspapers, so a check had to be cut rather than a donation.

Website report: Canvas Dreams (webhost) foresaw a server that was goingwonky and moved our site (free of charge) over to a new server. Also,our webhost notified us about the change well in advance (unlike ourprevious host where the change would be made and leaving us scratchingour heads as to what to do). Doing good with bandwidth. Disk spaceneeds to be purged of two backup copies of the site. During the servertransition, 23,053 spam emails - specifically from (along running history dating back to 2002) - flooded our mail system;SpamAssassin has since been enable for

Chris McCraw volunteered to accept all Brad Pitt spam-mails (April Fool’s!)

New biz - Pedalpalooza!

Lily - here are the basics: Meghan is master of all WNBR kickoff partyetc stuff. Sara is the Mercury rep and is coordinating the bike issue.June 11th is scheduled publish date. Carl Larson is the Shift-ycontact with the Merc, and Meghan will be helping with that as well.
Merc is tight on funds this year, so a money donation is tough, but Mercwilling to work with Shift otherwise.

Shift PP calendar - who is doing it? Who is formatting it? Merc didthe layout and sold the ads last year, and there is general agreementthat we’d like to get the Merc to do it again this year. Last yearShift gave the Merc a list of prior advertisers and we are willing togive them another copy of that list this year. Last year, at least 2ads for the issue came out. We would want 2 ads before June for theissue (1/4 pg b&w was previous, asked for color)

Last year, the Mercury also provided the beer lady (OLCC contact, wasnot a bike rider). Shift could also use security people for the event.Sarah is to ask two beefy, scary-big couriers to volunteer (if they getperks, like beer or free peeps?) They don’t have to be licensedsecurity, but they need to look menacing to keep the pervs andmalcontents in line. Michael - would be good to have a blogtown rep onthe rides each night so the Merc has a “live feed” into the event.
Meghan - would love to have one of the long, skinny, sexy ads on theMerc website.

Pedalpalooza “I saw you” - it’s a form on the Merc website, so if we getShifties to post to it en masse, it could be in the next issue afterthe WNBR.

Printed calendar - if the cost of the ads doesn’t pay for the insert, will Shift have to pay in cash?

Deadline for content for the printed calendar? Carl and Sara will work it out. (Loose deadline is end of April for all posted ride events)

Sara - does PP have a theme? Carl - “bikes vs. <blank>” Timo - “Safe Routes to Beer”

If you think of a theme befire April 10th, then email it to Sara -

Update on location of Pedalpalooza Dance Party - still in the works.

Money for Pedalpalooza Party money - Meghan would like a budget this year.

Timo - official request from Transportation Options

City - Shift would like to request again a donation for printing costs.

What is the budget this year for the kickoff party? Last year it cost$3,200. Kickoff party has applied as an Umbrella project. Meghan willwoo Umbrella this weekend. Carl - last year, to keep OLCC happy, wetold them we’d have paid, private security. In order to be incompliance, we may need to provide them this year.

WNBR - what does Meghan need? Find a location. Audio Cinema, On Air -too small, Leftbank - crazy, Pedicab garage - security issues. 28th& Sandy - old car dealership, real estate agent Kevin seemedresponsive. Olympic Mills - may or may not be able to provide space inSE. Lily looking at Interstate and Mississippi - across street fromWidmer.

What Meghan needs (April 2nd and 3rd) is for everyone to bike streetsthey don’t ordinarily ride and look for apparently unused spaces.

Disjecta would love to have us but the Templeton bldg is too small - only 600 capacity.

Meghan needs help with bands who want to play. Send band suggestions her way.

Carl - we realized last year too late in the game that some companiescan use it as a marketing opportunity and provide free stuff.

PP Poster artwork. Carl says Juusta wants to do it. Budget for poster in past: $400Carl says he’ll talk to Justa about timeline.
Image needs to be easily made into silkscreen and cut up into smaller versions.Other artist suggesions: Aron Neils Stienke.

Pedalpalooza Torch: Lily wants a torch to live and burn through all of Pedalpalooza.

Getting events on the calendar? Need to have kickoff ride, WNBR,kickoff party and MCBF on the calendar. Events so far are about onschedule. Someone needs to nag, also nag on zoobomb forum. Brian haslist of everyone who has led an event in the past. Chris McCrawvolunteered to help Brian with the emailing.

Kickoff ride - St. Francis Park (framed by SE 11th, 12th, Oak, &Stark) location obtained since Jan 2009 by Tom. Contact person for thepark is Steve Stevens (is on the St. Francis park board).

Lily expressed an interest on getting the printed calendars earlier thisyear. Carl will discuss it with Sara and try to get it earlier.

Timo: who’s handling the poster and calendar distribution ride? Idea for an alleycat. Dan expressed interest in that.

Talked about moving deadline up a week. Lily advocated moving it up ifit wouldn’t cause the Merc too much trouble, Carl committed to trying towork something out with the Merc through Sara.

Handling pervs - how to deal with them? Michael O’Leary objected to useof the word “handling”.Meghan advocated having the security people take care of most of it.
Tossed around idea of “your bike is your ticket”, depending on venuethat would be a preferred method. Talked about speaking with RobertBurchett - his friend A.J. can train volunteers for dealing with thepervs.

Meghan - we should use the shirts in Greg & Nikki’s attic. Grey andbrown shirts of varying sizes - 100 of them. (shirts for MCBF, thatShift sells)

Carl - it would be great to get more high school kids involved inPedalpalooza. Carl’s target audience is high-schoolers and churchgoers.Also, would like to have some bike to church rides. Also, new zoobombpile might be dedicated before the rides.

Emily would like to step down as Treasurer of Shift in August, so if youfind someone to do it, tell Emily - Chris McCraw volunteered.

Timo: Sunday Parkways falls during Pedalpalooza.

Shawn: is editor of Zinester’s Guide to Portland, 4th edition releasedin 2006 - working on next edition, which will be out at the end of theyear. Biking is an integral part of the Zinester’s Guide - this is thetime to think about things that aren’t in the Zinester’s Guide and whatshould be, etc. Looking at August deadline for getting things into thenext printed edition. Self-promotion is discouraged, write about otherpeople’s stuff, not your own.


Attending: Lily, Tall Steve, Tom, Chris, Daniel, Olympic Steve, and special guest appearance by Heather

Facilitation: Lily

Note Taker: Tom

  • Meghan Sinnott volunteered to coordinate for the Dance Party (git ye arses in gear to help her find a location site for the par-tay)

  • First Female sound system via bike for this year's Prince vs. Sammy Davis Jr. Ride (during PedalPalooza)

  • PedalPalooza calendar soundly up and running (Now enter those events! Ya have until the end of April to get those events IN for entry into the Mercury printed calendar)


Shift Biz Meeting - IPRC - ran from 6:00 prompt! (wow!) to 7:40pm

Attending: Robert, Lily, Steve, Daniel, Chris, Tom

Facilitation: Lily & Daniel

Note Taker: Lily & Tom

Meeting quoteables:

  • …the cop in the squad car is rapp'n out with the siren tunes…, D

  • …We used S's megaphone to wake the people of the house for breakfast…, L

Old Biz

  • BonB has a crazy guy hitting on the women

New Biz

A highly charged discussion about dealing with pervs (or those who have failed or forgotten basic social ethics)

showing up and ruining events by copping-feels, excessive gawking, andrudeness unbecoming of specific seniors; a growing problem on the PPrides since 2006.Some of the possible solutions:

  • Be assertive with the perv. Let perv(s) know their actions are out of line with the general group fun

  • Create a Perv Patrol to work as a group to confront the perv(s)

  • take pictures of them, squirt them with water

  • tabled until feedback gleaned from personal professional contacts

Lily spearheaded a need to get balls rolling for the WNBR.

  • Need to find a location.

  • Need to find a beer sponsor.

  • Get ahold of fencing (for bike parking & exclude pervs)

Steve’s PedalPalooza calendar is near ready;will be unveiled after mini-bike winter.

Determined the Shift calendar is our calendar,and will choose to do with events (particularlyones acting largely as advertising for cash) asare deemed fitting to Shift.

Agreed to accept sponsorship by CanvasDreams,our (green, carbon-neutral) webhost. Specifically,they will allow our excess data transfers for the monthsof May and June, in exchange for references to them,like a small wind-turbine graphic on the Shift site.

Shift Social location (Feb ‘09)


4306 NE Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97217

(Corner of Skidmore and NE Williams)

(503) 288-1085

Serves vegan food!!!


Shift Biz Meeting - Belmont Library - ran from 6:33 to 8:45pm

Attending (in order of appearance): Chris McCraw, Tom Wilburn, Timo Landia, Brian Scrivner, Emily Wilson

Facilitation: no adult-supervision necessary; discussion was creative, orderly, and fairly on-topic

Note Taker: Tom

Meeting quoteables:

  • …2009 translates into the Roman numerals, M-I-X, or PedalPalooza MIX! Just thought you'd like to know…, Emily

  • …it (parking garage) could be the Auto Facility Repurposing Ride…, forgot-to-leave-work-at-work Timo

Regular Biz

  • Treasury report - Emily reports the shift loot is safe and sound; the Folz Banking services are remaining local. Yeaay!

Old Biz

  • Further murmurings of a re-write of Umbrella's scope

  • posting/documenting volunteer roles (the helpful info for future volunteers); in need of a whip - Brian

    • Tom will take on the duty of regular promotions prompting those would-be writers to pass on their helpful experiences

New Biz

  • PedalPalooza (PP) 2009 timeframe - Timo informed that the kick-off begins on June 11th and goes to MCBF on the 27th

  • (PP) “Kick-Off Ride” is confirmed to be the new name, so as to avoid a parade permit

  • (PP) “Kick-Off Ride” start location to be east-side (E. of Willamette), to avoid police action

  • (PP) Emily suggested new stickers and a variety of designs

  • Discussed Brian's “All smoke less free -banned! pub crawl”

  • Website overview - Tom let us know…

    • our webhost (a wind-powered, energy-efficient, Portland-based company) has been running smoothly with but one down-time in 2008

    • sharing a common interest with SHIFT, our webhost has offered sponsorship for an increase in bandwidth

      • bandwidth for June of 2008 breached our 30GB limit (over 86GB); the rest of the year comes in at 2-3MB

      • sponsorship or a trade of services would mean little more than a wind-turbine link

    • webhosting is soon to be paid up to May of 2011

    • posting of final PP ride reports will be posted and made into a PDF - he is sorry for the delay

  • World Naked Bike Ride(WNBR) - the idea suggested of one's bike for admittance

    • so to avoid gawkers and pervs showing up by car

    • could be as simple as using some well configured bike parking to block the entrance

  • (WNBR) need of enthusiatic, fresh blood to lead and coordinate

  • (WNBR) location ideas: Parking Garage - Emily / Ballroom - Brian

  • (WNBR) hot action item: need to get space and beer permits - Chris

  • (WNBR) problem: helping the ride to be traffic-friendly while maintaining connectivity for potentially 4,000+ riders

    • possible solution: launch in waves with each wave being connected via wireless in group chat mode - Emily & Tom

      • having a loosely pre-determined route known only to the wave leaders

      • also, an appreciation for good ol' fashion common sense, respect for others, and adult-level wholesome fun - Tom

  • Shift Social location (Jan '09) - possibly some basement bar Timo knows about, otherwise TBD


Shift Biz Meeting - Benjamin's back yard - 6:00pm

Attending (on behalf of Shift, anyway): Benjamin, Chris, Emily


Regular Biz

  • Treasury report - Balance reported. We're in the green! Cash from shirt sales at MCBF reported, will be deposited in Umbrella account soon.

  • Reports from Shift projects

    • BonB - There have been murmurings of writing BonB into Shift's Umbrella scope. Benjamin will be working Umbrellites (Steph) in the coming weeks/months to make this happen.

Old Biz

  • TCC Recap - it happened! we're still alive!

  • PedalPalooza Recap - it happened! we're still alive!

New Biz

  • Shift at Hollywood Farmer's Market - Canceled, didn't work out

  • Group Photo Op - Nobody to represent this topic, tabled

  • New Webhost report - Nobody to represent this topic, tabled

  • Shiftnic - Chris will work on organizing this, date/location tentatively set for Sunday, Sept 14th, Laurelhurst park

  • Printing - The last run of stickers is fantastic. We have money for printing more things (stickers, banners, materials). Considered making a regular sticker printing schedule. Also discussed making a new/additional Shift banner for events.

PedalPalooza '08 - debriefing

  • Nothing much was discussed. Most topics brought up dealt more with WNBR and MCBF, projects that aren't under Shift's jurisdiction.


Shift Web Meeting - Col. Summers Park - 1:00-2:30pm

Facilitator: What a silly notion 8-O

Note Taker: An even stranger concept ;-)

Attending (in order of appearance): Tom, Lisa, Tall Steve, Dat


All was generally in consensus that the body of the shift contentneeds to be fresh and ever changing. The type of content centeredon a need for ride stories, quotes, and feedback responses from thecommunity.


Dat recommended regular community input of ride stories and personal talesof biking (like last year’s PP ride reports). The idea here is for viewers(particularly newcomers) to the site to be inspired to hop on a bike, and(for veteran bikers) a place to post comments about a ride. Discussion focused onthe means to encourage ride participants to report and new tools to help ease orspark the writing juices.

Steve plans to re-incorporate last year's PP countdown timer on the home screenand calendar, plus send reminders to post events to this year's PP calendar.

Lisa recommended a donation link, discretely, but obviously displayed. DoesUmbrella have a PayPal account the Shift site can link to for donations? DoesUmbrella have some site to link to (period)?

Tom is seeking alternative, faster, and local web-hosting. Will be investigating canvasdreams(a carbon-neutral and green company), as well as easystreet, and opus.

The idea of hosting a listserve on the shift host was loosely tossed around,especially since RiseUp has been on a roller coaster of RiseUp/Down/Up/Down,but no decision made.

As for the Shift splash (home) screen, the wiki feature will be replaced with revolvingimages or ever-changing content, just as before, except with an emphasis on encouraginginput from the community, hopefully.

Blessings and Bike-speed to this endeavor.


Shift Biz Meeting - 2/6/08 - Belmont Library - 6:00-7:30pm

Facilitator: Carl

Note Taker: Benjamin

Attending: Elly, Bonnie, Emily, Danny J, Rachel, Carl, Tall Steve

Regular Biz:

Treasury Report - Emily

Donations through United Way are still problematic. Deposits are being handled manually.

Project Reports - Carl, Elly

BonB is all good.

TCC is working hard on fund raising.

Meetup -

Next is 2/20/08, 7:00pm at Vendetta (4306 N Williams Ave)

Old Biz:

Shift Stickers - Emily

New designs available here.

New Calendar - Steve

It’s alive! Well… sorta. Testing phase!

PedalPalooza '08 & Mercury - Carl

Best explained here. Gabe is point of contact with the Mercury, will have more details later.

New Biz:

CRP Earth Day Involvement - Emily

Elly will look into tabling. We might consider doing bike parking.

Cycle Seen - Rachel

Get involved! Stay tuned- more to come. Contact Rachel to help out.

Oregon Bike Summit Scholarship - Elly

$200 donation for Bike Summit attendee. Benjamin will produce a call forapplicants. Applications to be reviewed & selected at next meeting.

Citybikes Space - Elly

Shift not interested at this time. Umbrella might pursue- hope to hear more later.

Meeting Day Change - Benjamin

Library scheduled meetings over top of us (they get priority). We’ll be moving to Tuesdays for the time being.


Shift Biz Meeting - 1/2/08 - Belmont Library - 6:00-7:00pm

Facilitator: Matt

Note Taker: Benjamin

Attending: Elly, Steph R, Bonnie, Emily, Danny J, Dat, Carl, Meghan

Regular Biz:

Treasury Report - Emily

Shift’s remaining balance with City Repair Project is being transferedto the newly established Umbrella account (without processing fees). Adonation (anonymous?) will also be part of the initial account balance(processing fees apply). Balance will be somewhere in the neighborhoodof $685.

Forecast for PedalPalooza costs is roughly $4000 (printing et al). Start seeking donors!

Still no replacement bookkeeper for Shift - considering VJ or Benjamin, no rush to replace Emily.

Project Reports - Carl, Elly

BonB is all good.

TCC is working hard on fund raising.

Meetup -

Next is 1/16/08, 7:00pm. Meet at the Horse Brass (4534 Se Belmont St).Likely some wheeled pub crawling. Matt & Elly offered to helporganize/lead.

Old Biz:

Umbrella Transition -

It’s done!

Printing - Elly, Emily

Looking at costs.

Carl suggests using Diesel Fuel Prints because they’re local.

Still need to some designs.

Website Calendar -

No report, talk of progress.

PedalPalooza - Carl

Setting up meeting to work with Portland Mercury on sponsorship/promotion and event coordination. [update: meeting has been set]

Dates (because people keep forgetting): June 12-28th, MCBF 6/28/08 - Elly will work on having this updated on the website.

Discussed soliciting sponsors for PP and TCC together to avoid annoyingprospective donors. Carl & Elly discussed collaborating.

TCC Seed Money -

Funds earmarked “carfree” from Shift’s CRP account will be available toTCC for eligible costs (printing related). Seed money agreed uponearlier will come from petty cash.

Discussed TCC’s need for an accountant/purchase tracking.

Storage -

No update.

List Health -

Still no monthly reminder of posting standards.

List seems healthy at present.

New Biz:

Petty Cash to Umbrella Account? - Benjamin

No. Umbrella’s limitations on spending do not suit our needs.

World Carfree Network Membership - Elly

Membership has lapsed (and maybe have lapsed a long time ago).

Elly is taking the reigns to get us back on track.

Cost is $40/yr and we agreed to voluntarily pay back dues to support WCN.

Need to work with Umbrella to make sure we can use our account for membership renewal.

Letterhead - Carl

Still has an old phone number on it, needs to be removed. Dat volunteered.

Bike to Work Day - Dat

Is Shift going to be involved? I don’t think this dialogue went anywhere.

Next meeting time, date, facilitator set (see agenda).


Shift Meeting minutes - December 5th 2007

Matt, Steve, Elly, Dan J, Dat, Benjamin, Steph, Robert, Jeff, Bonnie, Emily, BrianSteph facilitated the meetingMinutes by Matt [edited by Benjamin]

Umbrella transition update - Stephwe're working through the accounting, need primary contact from Shift - in the past this was Emily, but since she's stepping down as treasurer, we need someone else. Contact would be best served by the person acting as Shift's treasurer, but that's up to Shift. (since the main interface w/ Umbrella from Shift would be financial in nature) Matt and Steph are ineligible due to serving on Umbrella's Board (conflict of interest), as are Carl, Dat.A number of people recommended Timo as the contact person, or Ben Salzburg.Matt described what being the point of contact person entails (Matt, elaborate for the minutes) [editor note: umm… I forgot]Also recommended as possibles: Carye, Curt, KirstyElly volunteered to send out request to the Shift list for a contact person. Benjamin would be willing to do it - everyone present agreed that would be a lovely idea. Benjamin is the contact person for Shift [editor note: aw snap!].

Emily - FinancesHindi said it looked like Shift has a balance of -$28 [yes, negative], but Emily's records show a balance of $674.62Voted to pay Michael Rasmussen for domains - he is remaining the technical contact for DNS and the domain(s)[update: explanation of the budget discrepancies on shiftadmin e-mail list]

Carfree Day jar money? Question in October about what happened to that - it went to the carfree group, and the money did not go missing.

Accountant bookkeeping help - Emily put out a call, received no responses, but Emily talked to Vicki on the bus, and she was tentatively interested.

Robert - when Shift goes under Umbrella, is the petty cash fund going to be normalized? Petty cash should probably be on the agenda.

Shift Roles - ongoing project, nothing to reportShift Printing - stickers. Approved using $100 out of petty cash for stickers. Emily is heading up the stickers projectNew Calendar - progress is being made, Steve was able to work on it for 4 hours last week, he hopes to have something to show us before the end of the year (hopefully a demo by end of year, but no promises)PP2008 - Ben talked to Gabe, preliminary to getting people involved in PP2008.Matt to-do: talk to Carl and Carye about editing the PP2008 program (they did prior years)

Shift Mission Statement: we're okNov 16 Traffic Rally recap - lots of news coverage, lots of people got on bikes. Does Shift want to get more involved in this and similar in the future? Specifically does Shift want to continue to support We Are All Traffic as possible and appropriate? [answer: Yes]

BonB - BonB North decided to voluntarily kick themselves off the bridge and are having a ride Monday the 10th (6pm) to determine the new location for BonB north. Benjamin received a $20 cash donation from an anonymous donor which was used to pay for coffee and pastries [not anonymous- he's one of our favorite Portland bikers! let's call it… mysterious donor].

TCC Update - they are moving right along - main effort is on sponsorship. Elly trying to get more people on the Shift list involved in TCC. Elly requesting if Shift would be willing to make a contribution to TCC to cover some administrative and mailing costs. Shift authorized up to $300Benjamin - put on next month's agenda how Shift is helping TCC from a monetary standpoint (donations vs. loans, etc)

Community and School Traffic Safety Partnership (CSTSP) fund - PSAs - Dat wants to get people involved to create PSAs and wants Shift to be involved. [we all say go for it! look forward to hearing about progress. no statement of Shift involvement at this time.]

Ken's garage - There is still stuff in Ken's garage that needs to get out. Robert took an inventory and put it on the email list - there are items that Shift can use, or still uses, including a table and chairs, the MCBF arch, and the old smoothie bike.Brian will talk to Kirstyn to see if she still plans to continue the Shift tradition with her smoothie bikeBrian is moving and may possibly have some space to maintain a Shift booth setup in storage - he is going to check if the other building occupants are ok with Shift people having keys to the storage area in the building.

Next business meeting is January 2nd.Shift Meeting (meetup [holiday party?]) is December 19th

Shift mailing list - bike fun is no longer the main source of discussion, the current content is driving people away, can it be moderated? How can we make the list what it used to be? Options including moderation, change of format, and dissolving the list were discussed. Final decision was to self-police (discourage inappropriate matters and encourage bike fun) and revisit the situation/health of the list in 3 months if necessary.


In attendance – Organic Brian, “teknotus” Dan, Dat, The Metal Cowboy, Jonathan, Matt, Steph, Carl, Benjamin, Curt, Erin, Lisa, Tom, Tall Steve, Elly.Meeting was facilitated by Steph with Elly and Steve taking over the Pedalpalooza discussion

What happened:1. There was a half-hour discussion of the plans of various groups and individuals (several represented at this meeting) to hold a large demonstration and present a list of demands for cyclists rights. Shift will participate in this, and supports a demonstration to be held a week from this Friday, on November 16, during the day downtown. More discussion tabled (stay tuned here for more details!)

2. Umbrella update. Umbrella is now officially a 501c3. Shift is getting ready to make the transition of its fiscal sponsorship from City Repair to Umbrella. Carl filled out an application, which was approved. The plan is to transfer funds on January 1st. [update: 11/8/07 word received that account may be transfered before Jan 1]

3. Shift events tabling set-up report. Robert found that we have a table and chair. Elly was authorized to purchase 2 shift canopies for under $150 and will store them in her garage.

4. Online Calendar. Tall Steve is working on converting the pedalpalooza calendar to be Shift's year-round calendar, ending a long cycle of frustration and confusion. This news was greeted by applause and hooting. Thanks Steve! It's time consuming work, but should only be a few more months. [add: First calendar item proposed is the New Calendar Kegger- w00t!]

5. PEDALPALOOZAPedalpalooza this year will begin with a kickoff parade on Thursday, June 12 and the World Naked Bike Ride and kickoff dance party on Saturday, June 14. The festivities will close with Multnomah County Bike Fair on June 28th. (FYI, MMR will be on Friday the 13th!) There was discussion about making it longer, but we decided to table that till 2009.

The online calendar will be open for you to submit your events starting in January. The deadline for events to be on the printed calendar will be May 1st again.

Tasks and roles:-Carl is approaching the Mercury about sponsoring the kickoff dance party.-Tom is developing a task management system-Brian will track publicity and ad sales and do project management (eg, nag) everyone about that-Brian also stepped up to do outreach again and remind people to submit events-Matt P. will be the print calendar proofreader yeah! He could use a buddy for that, y'all.-Steve K is coordinating the web calendar

Other stuff to do (maybe by you?):

  • A graphic designer

  • People to sell ads (this is not difficult, it's just calling up our previous advertisers)

  • Anyone who wants to help with the stuff above.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 5. Items on the agenda include:-Umbrella transition, cont.-Pedalpalooza, cont.-Discussion of Shift's mission statement-Reports from Shift projects – BonB (Carl) and TCC (Elly)-Mystery project update from Curt

The Shift social is slated for Wednesday November 21. Any ideas for locations are welcome!


Green Empowerment Office, 7pm

Introductions (people present)Emily, Brian, Jeff, Ben, Robert, Steph, Carl, Timo, Elly, Matt, Dat, Dan

-Treasury Report - current balance $614.62, no activity last monthRemaining tasks from last month - seed money from MCBF $331 (Emily needs to get from Kieran), 2008 draft budgetIf there was any income from CFD - Belmont & Alberta, it has not gotten to Shift yet.

-Meet-up report- A number of “newbies” at the meeting - Jill (new Bike Bulletin editor) was there. Talked about bike fun. Also present Tall Steve, Emily, Livestrong Carl, Brian, Dan (7-8:30)October Shift Meet-up proposed topics: Talk about bike carolling, cycle Santa

-Umbrella - 501©(3) status- Still pending, 2 Shift business meetings remaining before transition from City Repair

-Shift roles - Brian working on this document, hoping to finish by the end of 2007. Basically an outline of roles like MCBF coordinator, etc

Meeting space search results: Exchange Cycle Tours Brooklyn House Library Liberty Hall New Seasons Robert's House BTA Office

How do people feel?

Carl is psyched about New Seasons (7 corners) (restriction - any day butWednesday) Liberty Hall requires payment, Carl objects to BTA to avoidconfusion.

Elly - most important is that it’s central, objects to having it insomeone’s house because external events can cause inavailability. Alsostrongly in favor of New Seasons

Steph - ECT house is going to become a co-housing location (keep that in mind). Also likes New Seasons

Brian - opposed to library originally, but if recurring not a problem -then ok with it. Also opposed with BTA office. Likes New Seasons andECT house

Jeff - Belmont library meeting space is nice

Emily - New Seasons, potential for more noise

Steph called New Seasons - not available to non-New Seasons people.

Proposal - reserve Belmont library for November - Passed

-Shift table - printing ideas and costs

There was a Shift prescence/booth at the Belmont Street Fair, CFD events and Alberta Street Fair, how did that go?

Bill Stites got sod, set up sod on parking spot - need for a canopy(Jeff Bernards’ canopy borrowed for event), chairs, etc. Sold t-shirts,gave away stickers and flyers - car-free focused

Timo - has there been discussion as to what the Shift table is supposed to accomplish? BonB, Shift list, etc?Support expressed for “Shift Booth Kit”.

Timo likes the idea of something to promote BonB, carfree conference,Pedalpalooza. But it’s been difficult at times to get people to committo staffing the booth - need to have a clear idea of what the booth isfor to express it to people to get them to volunteer.

Elly - suggest invest in a canopy, folding table and at least 2 folding chairs

opinion expressed that Belmont event was more like a party. Is Shiftjust promoting bike fun? If so, then Shift should be geared towardstelling people where the party is, how to have their own parties, etc.

Brian would like to see someone who has time to organize a Shift boothkit. There is a fine balance between getting your message out to themasses at events and having so many events as to exhaust the volunteerpool.Purpose of Shift and what to do with the Shift presence at variousevents.

Proposal for infrastructure for Shift Kit - canopy, table and chairs - Passed

Generally agreed to set budget for items - $150

Elly volunteers to research cost of canopy, table & chairs.

Robert has a key to Ken’s garage, and is volunteering to talk to Ken and inventory what Shift stuff he is storing

List of consumable supplies (printed goods) - suggested as topic for future meeting

-Light a Fire attendees / scholarships - they are giving us 2 tickets, $100 for additional tickets - a table (6 spots) would cost $400.

Nominations for Shift reps to be given the two free tickets - Timo and Sara, they both accept (Sara by phone)

-See and Be Seen Bike Parade - November 8th (1st Thursday after Daylight Savings Time change)

Starts near tugboat brewery - S. on Broadway, past Schnitz and then Park blocks to PSU.

Timo’s question - how do you talk to other bikers about behaviors that can help save their lives?

He’s sees several areas:



Enforcement - Selective in Portland, but for lights it is very severe in many Euro countries (e.g Sweden, Denmark)

Elly proposes lending the mocktail equipment to Transportation Options for the bike parade event

Could also have Shift literature include coupon

CCC took over Jeff Bernard’s lighting program (Get Lit), and is coordinating w/ Timo for the TransOptions event

-Calendar - Carl says it sucks, we should get it off the website - it doesn't give real information

It has been discussed in passed meetings that we like Steve Kirkendall’sPedalpalooza calendar and Steve has told us how much programming timeis entailed in making that calendar the main Shift calendar. Its ahefty bit of volunteer time. Mykle Hanson has also expressed interestin helping Steve with the coding end of making a new calendar.

Carl volunteers to email various interestead parties and try and coordinate movement toward a new calendar.

Action Items:

2008 budget - Emily

money from Kiran - Emily

Post to the list for a Shift accountant/bookkeeper - Emily

Shift Roles document - Brian

Reserve Belmont library for November - Ben (6pm - November 7th)

Research for durable items - Elly

Storage of Ken Stuff - Robert

Tickets for Light a Fire - Timo (contact Jonathan Maus and coordinate w/ Sara)

Contact Tall Steve and coordinate calendar work - Carl



- Benjamin, Archer, Robert, Rachel, Emily, Brian


- no


- Treasury report by Emily: not much new news, shift balance (in City Repair account) is $614.42. Hindi of City Repair is working on a statement for Shift. There are $200 worth of checks for Shift jerseys that may not go into the account, they are more than six months old and had been in the custody of Dat. Working on a budget for 2008. If there are other important details that I missed, Emily feel free to post more info. - Shift Meetup report: Brian gave report of the Shift Meetup from August on 3rd Wednesday. It was basically just Jonathan, Meghan, and Brian chatting about stuff especially how to get more people to the meetups. We put this topic aside until end of meeting.

- Umbrella: progress to getting 501©3 status for the future fiscal home of Shift is on track. Shift should have an alternate financial umbrella organization in mind for backup in case the deadline to leave City Repair is reached and for some reason (unlikely) Umbrella still does not have official status.

- Shift roles: progress is being made on defining Shift organizing roles and improving the process of handing-off roles and orienting new people to roles. A template has been created for each organizer to describe what they do and how they do it, it is being discussed and will be distributed soon to the various Shift personalities. Gabe & Archer are working on a template for Pedalpalooza ads/publicity. Also Brian has some printed info from Gabe, soon to go onto the Shift Wiki. Brian will follow up with Gabe on creating a process for the calendar/poster design and publicity coordinator(s).

- Shift meeting future location: Archer says Community Exchange Cycle Club is now in a big house near SE 40th/Brooklyn, this might be a possibility. She will follow up with Steven Kung of CECC. Another suggestion: New Seasons stores have a Community Room (table?), Archer to follow up on this. Rachel & Robert offered to host meetings at their house, NE Going by 44th. This was entusiastically received. They would be willing to give up a house key to another Shifter when they will not be around at meeting time. They also suggested that they could make a commitment of several months (six? twelve?). Liberty Hall was brought up, again we have heard that they don't share the space for free any longer and if anyone is interested in this venue they should follow up on it. Brian had researched some of the other locations brought up: - Alta Planning: talked w/ Jessica, an employee would have to be around until end of meeting to lock up, seems unlikely, she ould discuss w/ Elicia and Mia and get back), River City Bicycles (again, an employee would have to volunteer to stay until end of meeting - PGE “Community Room” at NW EVerett & 2nd: a PGE employee would have to sponsor the meeting - Ecotrust: the Atrium area is available for free, but it might or might not be locked after 6PM at the discretion of Hot Lips Pizza, and if another group has rented it then it won't be available


- Shift booth: Should we continue to have one at events, what do we need? There seemed to be agreement that the Shift booth is valuable in getting new Shifties and eventually new organizers to replace those who burn out or “retire.” Shift still has a banner, Benjamin knows how to get the Shift business cards, there are also plenty of shirts. Needed mostly would be literature of some sort explaining what Shift is (didn't we have a tri-fold at one point?) or a Bike Bulletin. There will likely not be a Shift booth at Belmont Street Fair/Portland Carfree Day Fair, but eventually we hope to pull all the stuff together. We approved expenditure on minor expenses for materials, a budget will be brought up for making new Shift literature at next meeting. Ben will try to retrieve Shift banner and look into getting the cards.

- City Repair Coucil Meetings: Anyone interested in going to City Repair council meetings? no

- Light a Fire Award: Shift, among other people/groups, has won this award and there will be an awards dinner/ceremony on Oct. 30th. Conflicts with party plans! Sort of… Halloween falls on a Wed this year, this would be Tue. Shift has been offered two tickets to the event. We suggested that Timo + whoever Timo wants could go (half-jokingly?). Jonathan has offered to represent? We brought up the possiblity of subsidized or scholarship tickets for several long-time and dedicated Shifties. This was decided to be a possibility depending on the cost of the tickets, which will be checked upon by (who? Ben again?).

- Meetup: Ben says we should bring up topics for casual discussion to motivate participation in Meetups. This could be mainly scheming about fun event ideas. Location ideas: Alameda Brewpub, Mash tun, 5th Quadrant, Ringler's near Hawthorne, Barley Mill Pub. We decided to have the Oct. Meetup at Barley Mill Pub, again at 7:00-8:30P.



Post-CRP-Response Meeting

7pm 7/25/07

BTA Office, 233 NW 5th

This meeting may have been the most productive and efficient in thehistory of Shift. Thank you to Elly for the gently commanding facilitation.

ATTENDING: Elly Blue, Steph Routh, Emily Wilson, Norm, Benjamin, JeffCropp, Carl Larson, Brian Scrivner, Jeff Bernards making a guest appearance


  • Norm would like to create banners (one for each bridge) for Breakfaston the Bridges, considering the old signs have been worn out or lost.He had a preliminary design, it looked great, some people gave feedbackon the wording. He’ll create banners and bring them to BonB (or givethem to a BonB person?). Thanks much, Norm!


  • City Repair OK’d the proposal for extending their fiscal sponsorhip ofShift until December 31st, 2007, under the condition that high-liabilityevents (heavy boozing) are not carried out under CR sponsorship duringthis time. By that time, most likely Shift will be under the financialsponsorship of Umbrella which is going now through the submittal processfor 501©3 status. Steph gave a brief summary of the Umbrellaproject. Basically, Umbrella was formed to encourage and supportcommunity-based street culture with a specific emphasis on reclaimingpublic space and alternative transportation. Umbrella would do thetedious paperwork and needed fundraising for other projects, which wouldbe able to concentrate on what they do best (Bike Fun, encouragingpedestrianism, reclaiming streets for people…). For the type ofrelationship envisioned between Shift-Umbrella, it would be necessarythat everything supported by Umbrella is a “project.” Could Shift be a“project”? It was decided that one way this could work is for Shiftareas such as MCBF, BonB, Pedalpalooza, etc. to all be unique “projects”and the Shift regular expenses not related to one of these could be itsown project “being Shift” which gets renewed every year for purposes oftax accounting (a “project” must have a beginning and end).

  • We briefly discussed other finance management options other thanUmbrella as fiscal sponsor, for the hundredth time: not having anynon-profit status (we would not have access to some of our most imporantcontributions for Pedalpalooza / MCBF costs), another group besidesUmbrella as the sponsor (there is no group that is anywhere close to asgood a fit), Shift becomes its own official non-profit (all of thepeople who would be likely to work on something like this are alreadyworking on Umbrella). We hopefully decided once and for all that whenUmbrella is ready with official 501©3 status, that Shift wouldtransition from City Repair to Umbrella for fiscal sponsorship.

  • Emily gave reportback on finance situation: Shift now has two$20/month regular donations by employees of Intel through a companychoose-your-organization donation program. Payments have been made toPortland Mercury (insertion of Pedalpalooza calendars in PM issues), theprinter for the PP calendars, Stumptown Printing for the PP posters,Gabe for graphic design & coordination of PP printed material & PortlandMercury promotion, oh crap I think I’m missing one or two. Shift isnearly broke but not completely (meeting was going very fast at this point).


  • Tasks of Shift finance person according to Emily: tracking money,communicating financial info among appropriate persons & organizations,maintaining financial details for tax and accounting purposes. Emilyproposes having a 2nd finance person as a backup and for double-checking.

  • We agreed that important Shift organizing roles should be definedsomeplace. Too many times, important tasks did not get done and windowsof opportunity missed because someone assumed someone else was gettingwork done, or wasn’t clear on what their responsibility was. Brian tobe the person to nag Shift organizers to come up with a definition oftheir duties. These will most likely be posted to the Shift websitewiki, but this is to be worked out later. Target date for having allShift roles clearly defined is the October busy-ness meeting (Oct. 3rd,location TBA).

  • There should be a system for tracking progress with important taskssuch as selling Pedalpalooza printed calendar ads. Progress would beposted to wiki or shiftadmin email list, this way lack of progress wouldbe immediately apparent and action taken. Details to be worked outlater, but we did decide that this is an important goal.


  • Benjamin proposed that Shift meetings be twice-monthly, with the firstmeeting serious-stuff oriented, and the second one a meet & greet or“Shift meetup” more social event. APPROVED. We discussed having themon the traditional schedule as they’ve been for awhile, 1st & 3rdWednesdays, 7P. APPROVED. We then realized there would be a need for a“meeting nag” or person to keep track of who will be facilitating/takingnotes for each meeting & send them reminders to show up or getreplacements, also to get agenda requests out on the list. Bensuggested he could be this person. APPROVED. We discussed anappropriate timeline for having the agenda appear on the Shift list andhaving a final agenda. One week in advance was the suggestion for firstmentioning the upcoming meeting and asking for agenda items. Too soonand people might forget about the meeting, too late and many might notget the message. The final version of the meeting agenda should go outon the list by the morning of the meeting day.

  • Meeting locations: the location should be publicly accessible, quietenough for talking, continuously reliable (as in, they won’t bepreempted by a live music show or something) and fairly centrallylocated. Using a home would be challenging, the person hosting wouldhave to be available for every meeting, have enough space, and have nohousemate/spouse/etc. issues with the meetings. Carl & Brian to head upeffort to search for meeting locations. The 1st meeting of August willbe skipped, on account of business having just been taken care of sothoroughly at the July 25th meeting. Tentative next meeting at Plan B(formerly Acme) August 15th, 7P.

Whew! You shoulda been there, it was mighty exciting. Next meeting(1st Wed. in September, location TBA) to be facilitated by Ben andnote-taken by Emily. An agenda item for next mtg is Shift booth stuff:what is needed to have a Shift presence at an event, do we need a Shiftbooth, what events?


7/11/2007 MCBF

MCBF Wrapup Meeting

6pm 7/11/2007

Col. Summers Park

IN ATTENDANCE: Gabe, Carl, Ken (Crow), Kiran, Brad R., Brian (Organic)

DISCUSSION boiled down to: much of MCBF went very well, but some of the unpleasant surprises (wondering at end of night how to dispose of the trash) could have been avoided with more planning ahead, and the beer garden encompassing the competitions area was an issue in a couple ways. Also, some people took on too many roles due to shortage of dedicated coordinators. We will work on documenting descriptions for coordinator roles, so that when new people come in they don't have to start from the beginning working out how their job is done.

BEER GARDEN: many people wanted to have some access to the competitions area that are not in the Beer Garden. Also, Beer Garden participants want to be able to see the competitions. We discussed how more people could be made happy, different configurations for the Beer Garden and the competitions. Paved space is fairly limited at Col. Summers… should the event be at another venue next year? We seemed to agree that it would be preferable to use Summers if at all possible, it is tradition, centrally-located, with electricity, running water, and both paved and grassy surfaces. We discussed the possibility of all-event drinking w/ minors admitted, such as they have for events like Blues Festival. The permitting may be too expensive, or we may not be eligable for it due to our rep. Kiran looking into it?

ITEMS NEEDED: does anyone have a list of items needed every year? An idea for centralizing info and making it available to each year's crew was to use the Shift website wiki. How many porta-potties needed (note to 2008 crew: use construction-grade rather than event-grade 'potties, as they usually get vandalized during the event), needs such as paint and pens, etc.? Each coordinator should create a list for their role, and make sure that info gets saved where the 2008 crew can use it (wiki!).

DECORATIONS: there seemed to be consensus that there could have been a lot more bikey decorations, if the organizers were not spread so thin. Dedicated coordinator for next year? There were hundreds of PP posters that could have been strung together, also were all of last year's pendant strings used? Big ups to Chops on the chalk drawings!

CLEANUP: this went fairly well as far as volunteer power, but there should be a plan in place before the event how to haul away the trash, compost, and recycling. Gabe saved the day by making a competition of who could find a dumpster to put a trash bag in first, and the bags all went away on two wheels. Cleanup is part of which role, or is there a dedicated trash/recycling coordinator?

TRANSPORTATION-OF-STUFF: we should not just assume that Robert B. will ride all over town picking up stuff for MCBF! Need to make organizing this a role or part of a role for 2008, and involve more people, more planning-ahead to reduce motor vehicle trips.

ORGANIZER DESCRIPTIONS: organizers should make up a description of how their part is done, for next year's person:

  • Publicity: Kiran, Carl, Gabe

  • Midway: Kirsty

  • Food: John D.

  • Vendors: Carl

  • T-shirts: Carl (and volunteers)

  • Decorations: Kelly Peach, Ashley, Chops (chalk)

  • Cleanup: who does this?

Notice how many areas Carl was carrying! Yay for Team Hardcore! I'm sure Carl enjoyed taking on all these things, but there should be more people splitting up the work next year. If you are listed here, hopefully you will create a task description / items list for next year's person (they can be sent to me or put on the MCBF wiki, to be created soon).


7/11/2007 PP

Pedalpalooza Wrapup Meeting

7pm 7/11/2007

Col. Summers Park

IN ATTENDANCE: Carl, Gabe, Emily W., Jonathan, Dan J., Brian, Tall Steve

POSTER: about 600 copies were made, only about 100-200 used. Riders eagerly scooped up the printed calendars but were often not taking the posters. We agreed that posters were probably much harder to put up in locations, space is often limited so many places have no room for a poster, also posters are more difficult to carry around. Whether to print posters at all next year? It costs about the same to print a couple hundred as 600 due to setting costs. Print up postcards instead? Is another paper means of publicity redundant? We think the posters make a cool keepsake, and are more fun to look at. Discussion of having calendar and poster distro organized more comprehensively next year, maybe having a “Poster Distro Bike Ride.”

CALENDAR DISTRO: possibly have bike shops sponsoring calendar distro by distributing calendars at their usual store bike rides?

ONLINE CALENDAR: Tall Steve is on board for supporting the 2008 PP online calendar. Woot! This thing saves dozens of hours of work since event organizers can put up their own event info rather than write to us about it and have us creating the schedule.

PRINTED MATERIAL COORDINATOR: it was much more of a chore than necessary for Gabe to get all the info needed about who to contact / what to do / how to schedule. Gabe created a doc for next year with as much detail as he knows, it'll be posted later for suggestions / additions. Huh-WRAY to Gabriel Amadeus for pulling together this complicated and difficult job! Portland Merucry 1/4 page ads: printed stuff coordinator should submit these as early as possible, and confirm that they'll appear and in what issues. Strive for a single contact person at PM, or send all communication to all involve so that nobody is confused as to what is happening regarding PM and PP. There were suggestions for the PM to have a “Bike Issue” in advance of PP, similar to the “Pride Week Issue,” that would go in depth about PP, the bike scene, and play up PM's involvement in it. How about a PM-sponsored PP event? Jonathan has been talking bike stuff w/ Scott Moore, says he could bring up ideas for more reporting and participation for PP 2008. Also: there should always be a banner for BikePortland in the printed cal. (come to think of it, also the online calendar) considering all the BikePortland support for PP.

PP FINANCIAL: the Portland Mercury's printer (Community Newspapers) has been paid. Mercury calendar insertion (they give us 50% off) remains to be paid. Kickoff Dance Party paid for itself through wine / beer sales. There aren't many costs associated with PP other than those, and the poster printing. MCBF costs? Didn't get this info.

KICKOFF PARADE: there MUST be a parade permit for next year, the authorities made it clear that we would not get away with the ad-hoc parade again. Possibilities for parade escorting… motorcycles not much appreciated due to exhaust, noise, speeding. How about bike officers? We (seriously) discussed Clown Corking. Probably not do-able… fun to think about. There should be more coordinators, someone to take care of just Bike Decoration. The PP Kickoff Parade is where people get their bikes “dressed for PP” and there should be more SCRAPpy-ness, more flowers plastic or real, more stuffed animals, more organization for decorating. Goodwill Bins trips next year to collect stuffed animals and stuff?

KICKOFF DANCE PARTY: get a venue to sponsor the dance party event? Could the PM sponsor this? This is growing almost too big for out-of-pocket free-venue organizing. The only reason the crowd fit into Organics to You was the rainy weather deterred a lot of people from showing up. Could this still be done with donated venue space next year? Ideas? We should plan for 1000 people… This also needs more organizers to step up next year, some people (Jasun!) spread very thin trying to cover lots of areas.

PUBLICITY: how to increase publicity beyond existing bike-fun scene and hipsters? We discussed ways that the cycle-commuting and distance-events riders could be reached. More publicity venues needed besides printed calendar, poster, online calendar, online posts to open-posting sites, and local media such as Tribune, Oregonian, WWeek, PM?

Again, feel free to make corrections or contribute ideas. If you had an organizing role for PP, maybe you'd like to create a description of how that job works and send it to me? I'll set up a PP organizing area on the Shift wiki soon.



Shift Special Business Meeting - Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Meeting Facilitated by: Timo

Minutes Taken by: Matt Picio

In Attendance: Emily Wilson, Elly Blue, Timo, Matt Picio, SteveKirkendall, Ken Southerland, Steve Upchurch, Benjamin, Tami Sheets, DanMiller, Tom Wilburn, Jeff Cropp, Michelle Poyourow, Carl Larson, Ben Salzberg

Discussed the status of Shift with the City Repair Project (CRP).Apparently Hindi (CRP Treasurer) has decided the Emily is the personto talk to in Shift. Previously, Carie Folz and Dat Nguyen were takingcare of the Shift finances. Emily began assisting after Kari becamepregnant, Dat resigned from Shift duties in May - leaving Emily thesole person in charge of Shift's finances. Emily gave the followingbackground of the CRP decision:

—On June 20th, a proposal was brought before the CRP board at a boardmeeting to sever the relationship with Shift (specifically toterminate fiscal sponsorship of Shift). This is apparently due toOLCC violations recorded at the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) DanceParty, potentially opening CRP up to over $15,000 in fines. Due tosome quick negotiation with the OLCC by members of Shift and a stellarperformance at Multnomah County Bike Fair (MCBF), the OLCC did notlevy any fines against CRP. Apparently the board of CRP has decidedthat Shift represents too great of a potential financial liability tocontinue sponsorship.

No one from Shift was present at the CRP meeting, mostly due to a hostof other commitments, many involving Pedalpalooza, and due to shortnotification time. Emily had 9 hours' warning before the meeting tookplace. Reportedly, the CRP board carefully considered the decision toterminate fiscal sponsorship of Shift - it was not a “rubber stamp”meeting. The date CRP proposed for termination of sponsorship is July31st, 2007. They asked if that date would work for Shift, and if not,for Shift to propose another date.—

Emily then gave a comprehensive overview of Shift's funds, our bankbalance as of May 31st, and petty cash. Shift's bank balance as ofMay 31st was $3,004, which does not take into account a number ofPedalpalooza invoices, including a $2,500 invoice for the printing ofthe calendars. Emily is in the process of obtaining a June month-endstatement from Hindi. Emily also passed out a budget report to theattendees present. Transportation Options donated $2,000 to Shiftthis year for Pedalpalooza, Shift will net $1,860 of that (CRP takes7% off the top on all donations). There may also be additional moniescoming back to Shift from MCBF and the WNBR dance party.

Discussion then turned to the matter of what Shift does next - is July31st ok? Where to move Shift to for sponsorship? It was generallyagreed that the 12+ individuals present representing Shift did notwant to form a not-for-profit (NFP) corporation on their own. It wasalso pointed out that by law, CRP may only transfer the Shift money toanother NFP (specifically a 501©(3) organization).

Timo asked that the individuals present representing the board ofUmbrella update those present on the status of that organization.Matt Picio summarized the mission and purpose of Umbrella for thosewho were not familiar with the organization, assisted by Elly Blue andCarl Larson. All three individuals are currently on Umbrella's Boardof Directors. Umbrella is a NFP corporation formed to promotealternative transportation and community-based street culture. It wasspecifically formed to assist small, informal groups who either cannotor do not wish to incorporate on their own. Umbrella would provide(in theory) basically the same benefits as CRP - tax-deductibledonations, insurance, and some CRP does not perform, like assistancein becoming one's own NFP organization. This is contingent onUmbrella being recognized by the IRS as a 501©(3) corporation.Until that happens, Umbrella cannot represent itself as atax-deductible public charity.

The members of Umbrella present updated the group on the currentstatus of Umbrella - Umbrella incorporated in April of 2007 and hascompleted their 1023 application (for 501©(3) status from the IRS)and associated documents. Umbrella has had an attorney review thedocumentation and is in the process of having a tax accountant alsoreview the documentation. Matt Picio stated that Umbrella should beready to file the 1023 in 2 weeks. Under the best case scenario, itwill take 60 days to receive a ruling from the IRS. Under the worstcase, it could take 6-9 months or longer.

There was some discussion as to the purpose of Shift, whether Shiftshould “pre-emptively” separate from CRP immediately, and what ongoingitems with CRP does Shift need to address. The group generally agreedthat Shift's main focus (roots) is as a communication-oriented group.We want to bike, we want to have bike fun, we want to tell everyoneabout the bike fun (whoever's having it) and have more people havingbike fun. The general sense was “Shift is Shift” - ultimately Shiftdoesn't actually “need” money - money makes it possible to do the bigevents but the big events could actually exist independently of Shift- they are not part of Shift's core identity.

It was generally decided that Shift is still on friendly terms withCRP and negotiating an amicable settlement with CRP is in bothparties' best interests. There were questions and concerns about themoney left in the Shift account with CRP - what will happen to it andcan it be transferred to another organization. If transferred toUmbrella, what would happen to it and how would Shift operate undersponsorship of Umbrella? Umbrella works on a “project” basis, andmany of Shift's activities don't fit the traditional definition of a“project”. A lengthy discussion ensued, where it was determined thatthe main events (Pedalpalooza, MCBF, WNBR, Car-free Day) easily fitthe typical definition of a “project”, and that the compilation of the“day-to-day” activities of Shift (Breakfast on the Bridges, themailing list, the website, etc) would fit under an expanded definitionof “project” - effectively the project would be “Being Shift”. It wasagreed that Umbrella needs to have a clear definition of what aproject is in order to negotiate how Shift would operate if sponsoredby Umbrella.

Steve (Upchurch?) raised the question of Shift's growth - can Umbrellahandle the growth of Shift's events. Elly pointed out that one of themissions of Umbrella is to help growing groups become 501©(3)'s ontheir own, and in that case, Umbrella could assist Shift (or anothergroup, say if MCBF wanted to be their own NFP) to incorporate and gooff on their own. (Emily also mentioned that point) Steve Kirkendallpointed out that the size of Shift events is growing but the number ofShift events is not, so the administrative load isn't growing as fastas it might appear.

The two main decisions to come out of the end of the meeting were thatShift has decided at this time to move to sponsorship under Umbrellaif and when Umbrella becomes a 501©(3). Shift will develop afallback plan in case Umbrella doesn't work out or cannot become a501©(3). Shift will also propose to CRP that they continue tosponsor Shift until the end of the calendar year (Dec 31) under theprovision that Shift will not use CR's insurance policy number or OLCC permit.The remaining events for Shift for this year are Car-free Day, whichwill mostly be handled by combining it with the Belmont Street Fair,and Breakfast on the Bridges, which while potentially a liable event -is a level of liability which CRP expects and is prepared to dealwith. Emily will negotiate on Shift's behalf with CRP to try toaccomplish this.

Pedalpalooza-related “stuff” was tabled until the PP wrap-up meetingscheduled for July 11th at Colonel Summers Park.

Ben proposed we split the bi-monthly Shift meetings into a businessmeeting (the 1st Wednesday) and a “meet-up” (or “social” meeting - onthe 3rd Wednesday). Michelle pointed out that the BTA had similarissues with their staff meetings - splitting the official functionsfrom the more “social” aspect of the meetings has worked well forthem. A motion was made, seconded and approved to bring this up forreview and discussion at the next (non-PP wrapup) meeting. Thatmeeting was scheduled for July 25th in the BTA offices at 6pm.


The meeting was held upstairs at Old Town Pizza. In attendance: Micah (facilitating), John (his first meeting), Emily, Steve, Gabe, Elly (taking notes), Carl, Brad, Dat, Tomas, Scriv, Ken S., Timo, Steph R., Savannah (filming us for the bike documentary), and a cameo appearance by Dead Letter Ben.

1. Earthday – this City Repair event is on April 21st this year. Shifters are working on the following:-Leading bike rides to the event: Aaron and Steven Kung-Valet bike parking: Carl and Aaron-Smoothies: Kyr-Transportation Fair: Kirsty? Is she doing this? Does she need a hand?-Shift table: Brian (needs vols!)-T-shirtmaking party for Shift shirts to sell at the Shift table: Ken or Carl will host this, more details to come. Steph R. and Gabe can provide silk screens. Gabe is working on this year's logo. There was some discussion of whether it's appropriate to put the “Bikes Allowed Full Lane” with ORS number on the back of Shift shirts, since this is not what the statute says, but rather an interpretation of it. It was decided not to use it. Some shirts will be made with the Move By Bike logo as well.

2. Towards Carfree Cities Conference – Shift is hosting the conference in 2008, work is starting now. The conference is set tentatively for mid-June '08, to coincide with Pedalpalooza. The next planning meeting will be April 2nd (a monday) – watch for details, or join the “portlandcarfreeday” mailing list at

3. Pedalpalooza –Cal/Poster art: Gabe passed around some exciting sample images, incorporating the St John's Bridge with a determined-looking cyclist (which is what you need to be to bike over that bridge).

Flagship rides update:-Kickoff parade –Dat submitted a route permit, leading from Jamison Park in NW to Col. Summers in SE. Dr. Wasabi is organizing the bike decorating party beforehand.-Bike movie – we think Shawn is doing this at the hostel again – Shawn?-World Naked BikeRide / Kickoff Dance Party – we really need a few good organizers for this. Dead letter showed up to offer his space, the Watershed, down near Oak's Bottom. There were some concerns that it was too far from downtown, and other concerns that when the naked ride goes downtown the group gets broken up and riders have to stop a lot, which you don't want to happen when you're biking around naked. Other venue ideas were for spaces at NW 23rd and York, and NE 24th and Sandy.-MCBF: Carl, Kiran, Timo, Dat, Ken, and others are working on this. They'll report back at the next meeting, but want the world to know that the stickers just came in.

Web calendar: Steve has been working hard to make this look good and be usable. He wants everyone to know that he's entered some major events under his own name just to get them up there, but that doesn't mean he's running them. Here's where to view it so far, and add your own events:

Pedalpalooza Committee reports: Emily and Brian are doing a great job with ride recruitment. Steve K. is going to put a link to the Pedalpalooza 2007 calendar at the top of the shift website. People should talk to Dat and Micah about sponsorship, they're working on figuring out costs at this stage. The City of Portland is one sponsor already on board.

4.Shift calendar – Some people find the new shift calendar harder to read than the old one. People feeling vehemently about this or having suggestions should contact Brian at captainplanet at hevanet dot com.


In attendance:

Erik Mitchell (first meeting), Ryan (first meeting), Brad (first meeting)Shawn Granton, Carl Larson, Steve Kirkendall, Kirsty Hall, Jonathan Maus (Note taker), Dat, Wyatt Baldwin, Aaron Tarfman, Brian Scrivner

Next meeting is March 7th. Location TBA

  1. Pedalpalooza is set for 7-23rd.

A. PP Calendar:

  • Steve says it?s online and ready for posting events!

  • Each event has its own forum so people can ask questions of leader.

  • May 1st is the deadline for events to be on the printed calendar (no exceptions!).

  • Printed calendar to be designed by Gabe Amadeus (of zoobomb fame).

B. Events/Ride Organizing:

  • Emily is contacting previous ride leaders to encourage them to do it again.

  • Dates already set:

—Kickoff Parade ? Thurs. June 7th.

—Midnight Mystery Ride ? Friday June 8th.

—Kickoff Party followed by Naked Bike Ride ? Sat. June 9th

—Mult. Co. Bike Fair ? June 23rd

  • The need for the Kickoff Party /Naked Ride organizer was stressed. Anyone interested please step up and make yourself known. This is an essential task!

–There was some talk of various ride ideas but we wanted to keep those brainstorms for a different meeting.

–One idea was to maybe include some non-ride events this year. Like lectures, seminars, etc? But then others chimed in saying the essence of PP is riding, and that we can never have too many riding events.

C. Other tasks:

  • Publicity: Jacque A. and Brian S (I will assist too)

  • Sponsorship: Micah W. and Dat (he says PDOT is already on board)

  • Calendar/event pestering: Brian S. ? (he is also working on a PP training document that covers all the tasks needed to be done)

  • Calendar: Steve (technical)

  • MCBF: Carl L. and Kiran L.

  • Kickoff Parade: Dat and Timo (Timo is Grand Marshall)?we need a theme.

–Carl wonders if PP can integrate somehow with other citywide events that overlap like Fleet Week, Rose Fest., and Gay/Lesbian Fest.

  1. Umbrella Update:
  • Umbrella is the effort to make a new non-profit group that would act as an ?umbrella? org for smaller groups that need non-profit status but don?t have the time/resources to becoming one themselves.

  • The effort is moving forward and Shift?s involvement would be key to make Umbrella sustainable financially.

  • The next Umbrella meeting is March 1st.

  1. Earth Day, April 21st Woodlawn Park.
  • Aaron Tarfman is helping Bob New with Earth Day.

  • They need a leader for the Transportation Fair.

  • Jeff Bernards will do helmet giveaway.

  • Kyrstin Westwind will have her pedal-powered smoothie. There was sometalk of her donating the proceeds or the machine?s use to Shift, but weshould confirm this with her.

  • Brian said last year Shift got free booth space in exchange for doing valet parking.

  • Aaron and Carl Larson will take care of bike parking this year.


Present : Micah, Jacque, Gabe, Phil, Emily, Cody, Carie, Dat, Steve, Carl, Elly (facilitating and these notes)

Next meeting: Feb 21st (Weds) 7pm, location to be announced

1. Meeting location: Carl is committed to finding us a new, regular, central meeting location. As predicted, the Lucky Lab was very loud and we all had to shout, which was kind of fun.

2. Voodoo jerseys : This matter was resolved. Also, there are about 35 Shift jerseys remaining. Talk to Dat (dontbecreepy at gmail) if you want to buy one.

3. Shift budget : City Repair is switching accountants and no information about our money or actual money will be available for another week or so. The next meeting will have a budget report.

4. Umbrella group update : “Umbrella” is a new nonprofit in the works that will be a coalition among transportationy groups in Portland who don't want or aren't ready for their own nonprofit status. It is being formed largely with Shift in mind, so some shifters who aren't super-involved with Umbrella ought to come meet on the 15th at 8pm (not sure where yet, email me for details) to a) find out what sort of benefits and responsibilities might come with Shift membership and/or b) take part in decisions about how the group will operate.

5. Pedalpalooza: 2 + weeks of bike fun! From June 7th to 23rd this year. We have a basic team and need more people to pitch in. Gabe is stepping up to design calendar and poster and spoke cards and fliers. Steve is on task with the on-line calendar. Carl will be working on a ride leader's planning kit, and also on coordinating listings (along with Emily). Jacque will work on promotions. Dat and Micah will coordinate sponsorship. All of us will pull out all the stops to make sure that world class bike fun events converge in Portland this June. Anyone who wants to work on any of the above items, or has contacts, time, money, or crazy ideas – now's the time to speak up. More email about this to follow.

6. Multnomah County Bike Fair (MCBF) : Will occur on June 23rd this year. Kiran will announce a meeting in March to begin planning this major event. The permit application has been filed with the city, and stickers are being printed.

7. Carie is stepping down from coordinating Shift's petty cash; Emily W. is taking over this venerable task.

shift-biz/meeting_notes.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/17 20:51 by fool

Meeting Notes Archive (2025)


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