Python f-strings: Everything you need to know! • datagy (2025)

Python f-strings, or formatted string literals, were introduced in Python 3.6. They’re called f-strings given that they are generated by placing an “f” in front of the quotation marks. What makes f-strings special is that they contain expressions in curly braces which are evaluated at run-time, allowing you large amounts of flexibility in how to use them!

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What are Python f-strings

Python f-strings (formatted string literals) were introduced in Python 3.6 via PEP 498. F-strings provide a means by which to embed expressions inside strings using simple, straightforward syntax. Because of this, f-strings are constants, but rather expressions which are evaluated at runtime.

How to write Python f-strings

You write Python f-strings by writing two parts: f (or F) and a string (either single, double, or triple quotes). So, an f-string can look like this:

fstring = f'string'

Where string is replaced by the string you want to use.

Displaying variables with f-strings

f-strings make it incredibly easy to insert variables into your strings. By prefacing your string with an f (or F), you can include variables by name inside curly braces ({}). Let’s take a look at an example:

age = 32name = Nikfstring = f'My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.'print(fstring)

This returns:

My name is Nik and I am 32 years old.

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Evaluating Expressions with Python f-strings

A key advantage of Python f-strings is the ability to execute expressions at runtime. What this means, is that you aren’t restricted to only inserting variable names. Similar to the example above, place your code into the string and it will execute as you run your program.

Let’s take a look at a basic example:

fstring = f'2 + 3 is equal to {2+3}'

This will return:

2 + 3 is equal to 5.

What’s more, is that you can even act on different variables within f-strings, meaning you can go beyond the use of constants in your expressions. Let’s take a look at another example:

height = 2base = 3fstring = f'The area of the triangle is {base*height/2}.'print(fstring)

This returns:

The area of the triangle is 3.

Accessing Dictionary Items with f-strings

Being able to print out dictionary values within strings makes f-strings even more powerful.

One important thing to note is that you need to be careful to not end your string by using the same type of quote. Let’s take a look at an example:

person1 = { 'name': 'Nik', 'age': 32, 'gender': 'male'}person2 = { 'name': 'Katie', 'age': 30, 'gender': 'female'}fstring = f'{person1.get("name")} is {person1.get("age")} and is {person1.get("gender")}.'print(fstring)

This returns:

Nik is 32 and is male.

Similarly, you can loop over a list of items and return from a list of dictionaries. Let’s give that a try!

person1 = { 'name': 'Nik', 'age': 32, 'gender': 'male'}person2 = { 'name': 'Katie', 'age': 30, 'gender': 'female'}people = [person1, person2]for person in people: print(f'{person.get("name")} is {person.get("age")} and is {person.get("gender")}.')

This returns:

Nik is 32 and is male.Katie is 30 and is female.

Conditionals in Python f-strings

Python f-strings also allow you to evaluate conditional expressions, meaning the result returned is based on a condition.

Let’s take a look at a quick, simple example:

name = 'Mary'gender = 'female'fstring = f'Her name is {name} and {"she" if gender == "female" else "he"} went to the store.'

This returns:

Her name is Mary and she went to the store.

This can be very helpful when you’re outputting strings based on (for example) values and want the grammar to be accurate. Let’s explore this with another example:

person1 = { 'name': 'Nik', 'age': 32, 'gender': 'male'}person2 = { 'name': 'Katie', 'age': 30, 'gender': 'female'}people = [person1, person2]

Say you wanted your text to specify he or she in a sentence depending on the person’s gender, you could write:

for person in people: print(f'{person.get("name")} is {person.get("gender")} and {"she" if person.get("gender") == "female" else "he"} is {person.get("age")} years old.')

This returns:

Nik is male and he is 32 years old.Katie is female and she is 30 years old.

Formatting Values with Python f-strings

It’s also possible to easily apply formatting to f-strings, including alignment of values and specifying number formats.

Specifying Alignment with f-strings

To specify alignment with f-strings, you can use a number of different symbols. In order to format strings with alignment, you use any of <, >, ^ for alignment, followed by a digit of values of space reserved for the string. In particular:

  • < Left aligned,
  • > Right aligned,
  • ^ Center aligned.

Let’s take a look at an example:

print(f'{"apple" : >30}')print(f'{"apple" : <30}')print(f'{"apple" : ^30}')

This returns:

 appleapple apple

This can be helpful to print out tabular formats

Formatting numeric values with f-strings

F-strings can also be used to apply number formatting directly to the values.

Formatting Strings as Percentages

Python can take care of formatting values as percentages using f-strings. In fact, Python will multiple the value by 100 and add decimal points to your precision.

number = 0.9124325345print(f'Percentage format for number with two decimal places: {number:.2%}')# Returns# Percentage format for number with two decimal places: 91.24%

Formatting Numbers to a Precision Point

To format numbers to a certain precision point, you can use the 'f' qualifier. Let's try an example to three decimal points:

number = 0.9124325345print(f'Fixed point format for number with three decimal places: {number:.3f}')# Returns# Fixed point format for number with three decimal places: 0.912

Formatting Numbers as Currency

You can use the fixed point in combination with your currency of choice to format values as currency:

large_number = 126783.6457print(f'Currency format for large_number with two decimal places: ${large_number:.2f}')# Returns# Currency format for large_number with two decimal places: $126783.65

Formatting Values with Comma Separators

You can format values with comma separators in order to make numbers easier to ready by placing a comma immediately after the colon. Let's combine this with our currency example and two decimal points:

large_number = 126783.6457print(f'Currency format for large_number with two decimal places and comma seperators: ${large_number:,.2f}')# Returns# Currency format for large_number with two decimal places and comma seperators: $126,783.65

Formatting Values with a positive (+) or negative (-) Sign

In order to apply positive (+) sign in front of positive values and a minus sign in front of negative values, simply place a + after the colon:

numbers = [1,-5,4]for number in numbers: print(f'The number is {number:+}')# Returns# The number is +1# The number is -5# The number is +4

Formatting Values in Exponential Notation

As a final example, let's look at formatting values in exponential notation. To do this, simply place an 'e' after the colon:

number = 0.9124325345print(f'Exponent format for number: {number:e}')# Returns# Exponent format for number: 9.124325e-01

Debugging with f-strings in Python

Beginning with Python 3.8, f-strings can also be used to self-document code using the = character.

This is especially helpful when you find yourself typing print("variable = ", variable) frequently to aid in debugging.

Let's try an example:

number = 2print(f'{number = }')

This would return:

number = 2

This can be especially useful when you find yourself debugging by printing a lot of variables.


f-strings are immensely valuable tool to learn. In this post, you learned how to use f-strings, including placing expressions into them, using conditionals within them, formatting values, and using f-strings for easier debugging.

Python f-strings: Everything you need to know! • datagy (2025)


What do f-strings do in Python? ›

F-strings provide a way to embed expressions inside string literals, using a minimal syntax. It should be noted that an f-string is really an expression evaluated at run time, not a constant value. In Python source code, an f-string is a literal string, prefixed with 'f', which contains expressions inside braces.

Are f-strings good practice? ›

Yes, they are much better than your example for a few reasons: Normally, you shouldn't use + to insert a variable into a string, you should use format or f-strings, they are easier to read and more flexible. For example, if you want to show age always as 2 digits, even when age is below 10, you can just write {age:2} .

How to escape curly braces in Python f-string? ›

To print a curly brace character in a string while using the . format() method in Python, you can use double curly braces {{ and }} to escape the curly braces.

How do you set precision in F-string in Python? ›

F-strings can also be used to round numbers to a specific precision, using the round() function. To round a number using f-strings, simply include the number inside the curly braces, followed by a colon and the number of decimal places to round to.

Why are F-strings faster? ›

As you can see, the f-string method is faster than the str. format() method, with the f-string method taking about half the time to complete. This performance difference is because f-strings are evaluated at compile-time, which reduces the amount of work that needs to be done at runtime.

What is the advantage of F-strings? ›

Advantages of f-strings

* Enhanced Code Readability and Maintainability: F-strings improve code readability and maintainability by offering a more natural and concise syntax. The ability to embed expressions directly within the string reduces the need for complex concatenation or placeholder manipulation.

What strings are best for beginners? ›

WHICH STRINGS GAUGE IS BEST FOR A BEGINNER? Here at Strings Direct we always say that a lighter gauge set is best for beginners. Our recommendation for a good gauge for beginners would be 10-47 or 11-52. Of course, if you feel these are too heavy, there are a handful of brands who also produce sets beginning with a 9.

Are Python F-strings secure? ›

For example, f-strings have similar syntax to str. format() but, because f-strings are literals and the inserted values are evaluated separately through concatenation-like behavior, they are not vulnerable to the same attack (source B).

Why use {} in Python? ›

Curly Braces {} are often used in dictionary creation. A dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. Each key must be unique, and it is associated with a specific value.

What is the F double quote in Python? ›

What are f-Strings in Python? Strings in Python are usually enclosed within double quotes ( "" ) or single quotes ( '' ). To create f-strings, you only need to add an f or an F before the opening quotes of your string. For example, "This" is a string whereas f"This" is an f-String.

Can you use f-string with triple quotes? ›

We can use any quotation marks {single or double or triple} in the f-string. We have to use the escape character to print quotation marks. The f-string expression doesn't allow us to use the backslash.

What is the F-string for leading zeros? ›

In the f-string example, the :02 format specifier is used to pad the number with leading zeros. Let me explain it in more detail: f"{number:02}" : This is an f-string (formatted string literal), which allows you to embed expressions inside string literals.

What is the asterisk in F-string in Python? ›

The asterisk ( * ) defines the padding character to be used, while the caret ( ^ ) symbol ensures the output is centered.

How to format a number in an f-string? ›

To format values in an f-string, add placeholders {} , a placeholder can contain variables, operations, functions, and modifiers to format the value.

What does F mean in a string? ›

The release of Python version 3.6 introduced formatted string literals, simply called “f-strings.” They are called f-strings because you need to prefix a string with the letter 'f' to create an f- string. The letter 'f' also indicates that these strings are used for formatting.

What does .2f mean in Python? ›

In Python, the . 2f format specifier is used to format floating-point numbers as strings with two decimal places. This format specifier is part of the Python strings format syntax in Python.

What is the F string concatenation in Python? ›

String Concatenation using f-string

It's a new way to format strings and introduced in PEP 498 - Literal String Interpolation. Python f-string is cleaner and easier to write when compared to format() function. It also calls str() function when an object argument is used as field replacement.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.